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Alt+U: Upper block, containing the links to the services of this site, search box, font size setting and versions of this site.
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Alt+Z: Bottom block, containing the updated, vistiors, address, phone, fax, links, copyright.
Alt+S: Search box in every page for searching this site.
※When this website project labels is nuable elects by the mouse spot,you may use the following keyboard operating mode to glance over the material
← → or ↑↓:Presses the left key and the right key or on the key and under the key moves the label order。
Home or d→:May move directly to the label first item or the last item。
Tab:Pauses after this label, may move using the Tab key to the content page glances over this material, meets when the radio button please coordinate to use ← → or↑↓to move the project order。
Tab + Shift:Presses Tab + Shift to be possible the round trip migration to the previous material;When moves to the label project you may continue to use ← → or↑↓to move the label order。
About Us
- 。 Intro Video
- 。 History
- 。 Mission
- 。 Future Plans
Medical Departments
- 。 Department of Internal Medicine
- 。 Center for Quality Management
- 。 Department of Surgery
- 。 Children’s Medical Center
- 。 Department of Neurosurgery Institute
- 。 Department of Ophthalmology
- 。 Department of Otolaryngology
- 。 Rehabilitation Department
- 。 Department of Dermatology
- 。 Department of Family Medicine
- 。 Department of Radiation Oncology
- 。 Department of Psychiatry
- 。 Traditional Chinese Medicine
- 。 Department of Medical Research
- 。 Cardiovascular Center
- 。 Department of Neurosurgery Institute x
- 。 Department of Orthopedics
- 。 Department of Nuclear Medicine
- 。 Department of Anesthesia
- 。 Department of Medical Imaging
- 。 Infection Control Center
- 。 Center for Geriatrics & Gerontology
- 。 Department of Critical Care Medicine
- 。 Department of Pharmacy
- 。 Department of Nursing
- 。 Department of Food and Nutrition
- 。 Department of Emergency Medicine
- 。 Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- 。 Health Management Center
- 。 Department of Dentistry
- 。 Department of Medical Toxicology
- 。 Department of Outpatient Service
Administrative Offices
- 。 Civil Service Ethics Office
- 。 Department of Medical Administration
- 。 Office of General Affairs
- 。 Engineering & Maintenance
- 。 Purchasing Office
- 。 Office of Social Work
- 。 Personnel Office
- 。 Accounting and Statistics Office
- 。 Occupational Safety & Health
- 。 Computer & Communications Center
- 。 Department of Medical Education
- 。 Department of Digital Medicine
Other Units
- 。 Center for Functional Esophageal Disorders
- 。 Centre for Eye Trauma
- 。 Centre for Parkinson and Movement Disorders
- 。 Clinical Ethics & Law Center
- 。 Day Care Center
- 。 Dementia Center
- 。 Diabetes Health Promotion Center
- 。 General Clinical Research Center
- 。 Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Center
- 。 Genomic Center for Infectious Diseases
- 。 Human Research Protection Center
- 。 Institutional Review Board
- 。 International Medical Service Center
- 。 Liver Disease Center
- 。 Osteoporosis Prevention Center
- 。 Prostate Center
- 。 Stroke Center
- 。 Telehealth center
- 。 Mycobacteria Clinic
- 。 Wound and Ostomy Integrated Care Center
Medical Departments
- 。 Policies
- 。 Open Government Declaration
- 。 News
- 。 Patient Guide
- 。 Features
- 。 Traffic Information
- 。 Health Information