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Admission Services

Cited (24)
Updated 2024/9/3 8:44:09
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Procedures to Follow for Hospitalization
Be Informed of the hospitalization
  1. After hospitalization is scheduled, a staff will call the patient to inform the date to be hospitalized.
  2. On the day of the scheduled date of hospitalization, when a bed is available the hospital staff will call to ask the patient to report to the Customer Service Center at the hospital within 2 hours.
Go to the Customer Service Center
(2nd Floor, the Rear Outpatient Building) 
Follow the directions of the staff there 
Go to the Pre-anesthesia Evaluation Center 
 if surgery is scheduled
Go to the Medical Advisory Service Center
if tests are required before hospitalization
Be hospitalized
Pay the bill on discharge
Pick up prescribed medicines

  1. Hospital staff will call in advance to inform you of the date of admission. If the scheduled date is not appropriate, please notify the hospital immediately.
  2. Please bring your ID Card (Veteran’s ID Card / Veteran’s Widow’s ID Card /Alien Residence Certificate) and your National Health Insurance Card to the hospital to make arrangement for your hospital stay. You may bring the passport if you do not have a National Health Insurance Card or Alien Residence Certificate.
  3. Office Hours and Locations for Arranging Admission :
    • (1) Outpatients :
      • a. Monday through Friday (08:00-17:30) : Customer Service Center on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building
      • b. Monday through Friday (17:30-20:00) : registration counters on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building
      • c. Monday through Friday (08:00-20:00) : registration counters on 1F, 2nd Medical Building
      • d. Saturday, Sunday & Holiday (08:00-20:00) : registration counters on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building
      • e. If you do not check-in by the designated time (before 20:00), the system will automatically cancel your reserved bed, which will be made available for emergency patients.
      • f. Out-of-office hours: Registration counters in the Department of Emergency Medicine.(Not available during the infection control period.)
    • (2) Patients in the Department of Emergency Services : The registration counter in the Emergency Room.
    • (3) All patients are required to sign an “Admission Agreement” when being admitted at the counter.
    • (4) A nurse at the ward will provide assistance for all new admissions.
    • (5) Blankets will be provided by the ward. Patients need to bring loose clothes,underwear and daily necessities such as towels, which can be purchased at a 24-hour convenience store in the hospital.Patients are advised not to bring valuable items to the hospital.

Fee Assessment Rules  ( International Medical Service Center-Service Information )
  1. Basic Fees for Hospitalization :
    • (1) Diagnosis : fee is calculated from the day the patient is admitted to the day he/she is discharged.
    • (2) Ward fee : fee is calculated from the day the patient is admitted to the day before he/she is discharged.
  2. Items not covered by National Health Insurance should be paid for in cash.
  3. Copayment should be paid for a single room depending on the size of the room. Fees range from NT$ 5,000 to NT$ 12,000 per day.
    • (1) For patients with no NHI, fees range may be vary from NT$ 5,598 to NT$12,598 per day.
  4. Copayment should be paid for a double room (shared) depending on the size of the room. Fees range from NT$ 2,000 to NT$ 2,500 per day.
    • (1) For patients with no NHI, fees range may be vary from NT$ 2,598 to NT$3,098 per day.
  5. Selection of Ward and Changing Wards:
    • (1) Patients with National Health Insurance will be admitted to a 4-bed ward, which is fully covered by National Health Insurance, or patients can choose to pay an additional partial fee for a 2-bed/single bed  ward.
    • (2) There is no charge for veterans, widows of veterans or male patients receiving a Re-examination for military service.
    • (3) If you wish to move to a different ward, you may ask the nursing station if it is possible to transfer.
    • (4) If you do not wish to stay in a ward with patients of the opposite sex, please notify staff on admission.
    • (5) For emergency cases, a special ward may be used for other purposes without first seeking permission from the patient or his/her family. The patient will be admitted to a single-bed ward if one is available. When the emergency is over, priority will be given to the patient for the right to use the special ward.

Hospitalization Fee
  • 1. The following items are not covered by National Health Insurance :
    • (1) Treatment for drug addiction (including alcohol and cigarettes), cosmetic surgery, non-post-traumatic orthodontic treatment, prophylactic surgery, artificial reproduction and gender reassignment surgery.
    • (2) Over-the-counter drugs and drugs suggested by a physician but not covered by National Health Insurance.
    • (3) Services provided by specially appointed doctors or nurses and nurse practitioners.
    • (4) Blood, except for blood transfusions deemed necessary by a doctor providing emergency care.
    • (5) Human-subject clinical trials.
    • (6) Hospital day care, except for psychiatric care.
    • (7) Food, except for nutrition provided through tube feeding, and balance billing (the difference between the actual amount charged and amount covered by National Health Insurance) for hospital rooms.
    • (8) The patient's transportation costs, registration fee, and cost of obtaining related certificates or medical records
    • (9) Dentures, artificial eyes, glasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, crutches, and other equipment that is not used to actively treat the patient.
    • (10) Other treatments, services and medications that relevant authorities have officially announced as not being covered under the National Health Insurance system.
  • 2. You will be informed in advance if the services are not covered by National Health Insurance.
  • 3. Food is not covered by National Health Insurance, and is charged as follows :
Ward Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Regular Ward NT$ 45 NT$ 85 NT$ 80
Single-bed Ward NT$ 70 to NT$ 90 NT$ 145 to NT$ 180 NT$ 140 to NT$ 180
  • 4. Copayment for Hospitalization
Days Hospitalized 1-30 days 31-60 days Over 60 days
Copayment 10% 20% 30%
  • 5. All fees must be paid by cash or credit card at the counter or nursing station.
  • 6. Patients with financial difficulties can ask to be evaluated for social aid. Please call 04-23592525 ext 2901.
  • 7. If a patient has been recommended for discharge by the treating physician but wishes to extend his/her hospital stay, national insurance coverage will no longer be provided for the additional costs incurred. The patient is therefore required to pay all subsequent fees for the duration of the hospital stay.

Application for Various Certificates
Category Documents required Location for application Charge
Birth, Stillbirth “Exchange Slip for a Diagnosis Certificate” available at the nursing station. Parents must present their ID card.
  1. Monday through Friday (08:00-20:30) :  registration counters on 1F, 2nd Medical Building.
  2. Monday through Friday (20:30-22:30) : registration counters on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building.
  3. Saturday, Sunday & Holiday (08:00-22:00) : registration counters on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building.
  4. Out-of-office hours: Registration counters in the Department of Emergency Medicine.
NT$ 100 (Chinese)
NT$ 300 (English)
Diagnosis Certificate National Health Insurance card or a signed authorization form with the
agent’s ID.
Any registration counter NT$ 120 (Chinese)
NT$ 300 (English)
Death Certificate ID cards of the deceased and a family member.
  1. Monday through Friday (08:00-17:30) :  registration counters on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building(Counter 12).
  2. Monday through Friday (17:30-22:30) : registration counters on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building(Counter 2).
  3. Saturday, Sunday & Holiday (08:00-22:00) : registration counters on 2F, the Rear Outpatient Building.
  4. Out-of-office hours: Registration counters in the Department of Emergency Medicine.
NT$ 100
Medical History
ID or a signed authorization form with the agent’s ID.
Section of Medical Records, Basement 1 of the Outpatient Building NT$ 20 per page for the first 10 pages, and NT$ 5 for each additional page.
Copies of X-rays, CT and MRI scans performed by the Dept. of Radiology Patient’s ID card or an authorization form with the agent’s ID. No. 1 counter on 1F in the 1st Medical Building (behind the bank)
Call: 23592525 Ext 3777
NT$ 200 for the first scan, and NT$ 100 per scan up to NT$500.
NT$200 for an additional disk if one is not enough.
* If a diagnosis certificate had been issued on discharge within the previous six months, a second copy can be bought at the registration counter. For certificates issued more than six months prior, the patient must register and ask a physician to sign for a second copy.
1. 7 times of the non-NHI-covered payment rates.

Discharge and Referral
  1. Discharge is processed at the nursing station.
  2. When the physician determines that the patient is ready for discharge, he/she will prescribe medication and make an appointment for a follow-up visit at the clinic. A diagnosis certificate can be requested if needed.
  3. The nursing station will print out the patient’s bill for all hospital fees when processing discharge.
  4. If the patient has signed a savings transfer agreement, the fees will be deducted directly from the account; the nursing station will print the receipt and a pick-up slip for medication.
  5. Patients should present their hospital bill at the registration counter and pay in cash or credit card. Patients will be given a receipt and a pick-up slip for any medication they have been prescribed.
  6. Veterans who have stored valuable possessions at the hospital should obtain a storage certificate from the nursing station and present it at the Office of Social Work.
  7. Patients wishing to transfer to another hospital for treatment should request a patient transfer form.

Additional information
  1. If for some reason items have not been included on the hospital bill on discharge, the hospital will mail the patient a bill for the unpaid services.
  2. The hospital has a guest house for the family of ICU patients which is provided at a daily charge of NT$300. If the services of a ward helper or an ambulance are needed, please register at the nursing station.
  3. For information on local funeral parlor services, please call 23592525 ext. 2560.
  4. Extension numbers for the information desk in each building :
    • (1) Outpatient Building : 2977, 2978 
    • (2) 1st Medical Building : 2998, 2999  
    • (3) 2nd Medical Building : 2957 
    • (4) Emergency Medical Services : 3652
  5. Medical Information Center : (04) 2359-2525 ext. 2561
  6. Dietitian Consultation : (04) 2359-2525 ext. 2601
  7. Medication Consultation : (04) 2359-2525 ext. 4647 (clinic medication), 4625, 4641 (medication after discharge)
  8. Phone number for making an appointment : (04) 2359-2311 ext. 5
  9. Phone number for physical examination : (04) 2374-1288
  10. Hospital Website :
  11. Phone numbers for suggestions and complaints :
    • (1) (04) 2374-1222 for general problems
    • (2) (04) 2374-1246 for ethical/legal problems.
    • (3) Email :
    • (4) Mailbox : P.O. Box 46-95 Taichung City

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