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Patient Rights and Things to Pay Attention to

Cited (17)
Updated 2022/5/20 16:29:36
Hits 226204
Patient Rights
Equality in Medical Care
1.  We treat all patients equally regardless of national origin, race, gender, type of disease/illness, or socioeconomic status.
2.  Special requirements for language, religion, culture, customs, and habits can be met on the condition that patient safety is not affected. 
Guarantee of Patient Safety
3.  Our medical personnel wear a name tag. You have the right to refuse assistance from any person who is not wearing a name tag.
4.  Our medical personnel perform medical tasks according to professional training to assure your safety and keep you from injury.
Keeping Informed
5.  During your stay at this hospital, the physician will keep you or (with your consent) your family informed about your diagnosis, illness, laboratory tests, examinations, treatment and prognosis.
Explanation of the Treatment
6.  Normally before an operation, the medical personnel will evaluate your medical condition for use of anesthesia and explain to you or your family the reason(s) for the operation, the risks, prognosis and possible complications, as well as other alternatives. Surgery will be performed only after your informed consent is obtained for the operation and anesthesia.  
7.  Before an invasive examination, treatment or procedure, the medical personnel will explain to you or your family the reason(s) for the management, the risks, prognosis and possible complications, as well as other alternatives. The examination, treatment or procedure will be performed only after your informed consent is obtained.
8.  In the event of an emergency, the most beneficial treatment, including surgery or other medical care, will be performed according to the regulations of the Medical Care Act.
9.  If an unexpected situation occurs when surgery, invasive management, treatment or medical procedure is ongoing, the medical personnel will provide an explanation to you or your family.
10.  If you are unclear about the medical treatment offered by the medical personnel, please do not hesitate to ask questions.
Making Independent Decisions
11.   After the physician explains to you about advantages and disadvantages of the healthcare management, you may make a decision about what kind of treatment you want to receive  after discussion with your family.
12.   Any inpatient can request an  “Appointment of Durable Power of Attorney Form”,  “Advance Directive for Palliative End-of-Life Care and Life- Sustaining Treatment Form”, “Withdrawal of Consent for Palliative End-of-Life Care and Life- Sustaining Treatment Form”, “Do-Not-Resuscitate Consent Form”, and “Do Not Give Life- Sustaining Treatment Consent Form” . If the disease is terminal, the physician can offer palliative instead of aggressive care to relieve pain in compliance with the wishes of the patient.   
13.  We provide consultation clinic of advance care panning for patients with full disposing capacity, who may establish the “Advanced care planning, ACP” and sign the “advanced decision, AD” to ensure their rights of being informed, decision-making and choice-making, and that the will of hospice can be guaranteed and implemented.
14.  You may save a life by signing an Organ Donation Agreement form. Please share your wishes with your family so that they will understand and respect your decision.
Follow-up Care
15.  You have the right to receive follow-up care. On your day of discharge, your physician will arrange a follow-up clinic appointment, a transfer to another hospital or home care, according to your needs.
The Right to Refuse
16.  As a medical center, we hold medical teaching clinics and conduct clinical studies to pursue advances in medical treatment. You have the right to refuse to participate in any teaching clinics, clinical studies or tests unrelated to your treatment. Your refusal will not have any impact on the attitude of medical personnel or quality of medical care you receive.
Privacy and Dignity
17.  The information about your health will be kept strictly confidential. If you do not want information about your hospitalization to be known, please indicate your choice on the agreement for admission form (You may choose either “agree” or “do not agree” to release the information about your hospitalization). You will also need to notify the medical personnel in writing of your decision. If you do not agree to the release of the information, visitors will have no access to this information at the registration counters, information desks, nursing stations, etc., and no information will be shown on the display screen outside the operation room.
Suggestions and Complaints
18.  You have the right to make suggestions or file complaints and be informed of the hospital’s response. Contact the hospital by using one of the following options:
   By telephone: 04-23741222 (general cases); 04-23741246 (unethical cases)
Things to Pay Attention to on a Medical Visit
Mutual Respect
1.  We respect your rights as a patient, and we expect you to respect the rights of other patients and their families.
2.  To ensure uneventful progression of medical operations and safeguard privacy of all patients and medical personnel, no photo taking, interviewing, filming or recording are allowed without permission from the involved patient and medical personnel.
3.  You have the right to use public facilities in the hospital, but please use them properly so that other patients can use them, too.
Abiding by the Law
4.  Do not borrow or try to use another person’s insurance card; do not ask any physician to sign their name to a false statement.
5.  Abide by the regulations of this hospital – for instance, smoking is not allowed in this hospital.
Rules the Patient Needs to Follow
6.  Please comply with the treatment regimen provided by the physician; do not use any alternative therapy or take medicine not prescribed by the physician.
7.  Please wear a patient gown and put on a patient wristband for identification purposes.
8.  Please act in compliance with measures taken by the hospital to prevent infection.
9.  Please sort out trash before disposing of it. Ask a nurse for help if you’re not sure about how to sort the trash.
10.  Please voluntarily provide complete and accurate information about your health, medical history, allergic reaction(s) if any, travel history, and present infectious disease(s), if any. 
11.   For your safety, please notify the nursing station if you want to leave the ward. The attending physician’s consent must be obtained and a written application for a leave of absence must be approved if you want to leave the hospital.
12.  A leave of absence from the hospital should not last longer than 4 hours; the inpatient can not stay outside of the hospital overnight. Those who take an unauthorized leave of absence or who overstay their approved leave period will be considered discharged against the attending physician’s advice.
13.  Those hospitalized for the second military examination are not allowed to leave the hospital. The test/examination results will be nullified for anyone violating this rule.
14.  This hospital treats acute patients only; those who are in stable condition will be discharged or transferred to another hospital.
Things to Pay Attention to Regarding  Environmental Safety
1.  Only visitors with a Companion’s card can stay after 9 pm. The patient needs to accompany the family to the nursing station to ask for the card if it is needed.
2.  Use of personal high energy-consuming or heating electrical appliances (such as electric pot, induction cooker, electric heater, electric blanket, electric thermos, toaster, coffee machine, microwave oven, hair dryer, extension cord, etc.) in the ward is prohibited. Use of the socket in the medical area or the ward is prohibited to guarantee public safety.
3.  Please do not cook in the ward, bathroom or washbasin. Contact the nursing station for help if you want to cook.
4.  Please keep an eye on personal belongings. Do not bring valuables with you to the hospital.
5.  If you notice any unusual behavior or circumstance, please notify the nursing station immediately.
6.  To maintain the peace, quiet, safety and hygiene in the ward and prevent infection, please refrain from bringing children into the ward.
7.  The following activities are not allowed in the ward:
  *Making noise, chasing others, jumping up and down
  *Bringing pets into the hospital except for guide dogs 
  *Chewing betel nut
  *Bringing weapons or disallowed items into the hospital
  *Trying to sell anything to anyone
  *Burning anything
  *Using high energy-consuming or heating electrical appliances.
  *Using mobile phones in areas where “Do Not Use Mobile Phones” signs are posted.

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