一、檢查項目 (Examination Types):
The foreigner health exam including exams for Migrant Workers, Residence Application, Foreign Language Teacher.
二、檢查費用 (Fee):
配合本院國際醫療收費標準(請點選文字)調整 (2020年11月起) 依是否具健保身分/中華民國國籍,與檢查項目不同而有不同收費,具健保身分及中華民國國籍者約2000至3000元不等,未具以上身分者約3000至5000元不等(實際金額以批價金額為主)。
In line with the adjustment of our hospital’s international medical fee standards (from November 2020), there are different fees depending on whether you have health insurance status/Republic of China nationality and different examination items. For those with health insurance status and Republic of China nationality, the fee is about NT$2,000 to NT$3,000. ) varies, and for those without the above status, the price ranges from approximately NT$3,000 to NT$5,000 (the actual amount is based on the approved price).
三、檢查時間 (Check in counter and Service Time):
Customer Service Center,2F Outpatient Back Building 08:00-10:00 AM, Thursday. (Please make online appointment first)
四、檢查地點 (Checkup clinic):
Family Medicine Outpatient department, 1F Outpatient Front Building, the clinic room 2101.
For more details, please refer to:Floor Introduction
五、檢查須知 (Other information):
受檢當天,請務必攜帶護照、居留證〈新申請居留證者帶護照即可〉及兩吋照片三張,若曾注射麻疹/德國麻疹疫苗,也請務必攜帶注射證明。 若具健保身分或本國國籍者,請攜帶健保卡與身分證備查。
Please bring the official passport, resident certificate and three photographs when checkup. (For first-time resident certificate application, please bring the passport only). Please bring your proof of positive measles and rubella antibody titers or measles and rubella vaccination certificates if you had ever received vaccination. For those who have obtained National Health Insurance identity or Taiwan's nationality, please bring the National Health Insurance Card and ID card.
六、檢查流程 (Process for checkup) :
Online apppointment is required. Please choose "Foreigner Health Examination" Outpatient Department.
Please go to the Customer Service Center for registration first, and then go to Family Medicine Outpatient Department for health exam.
The doctor performs physical checkup and issues laboratory examination order.
Take the sheets to receive required examinations.
Finish all examinations and pay the bills at the Cashier, 1F Outpatient Front Building.
七、領取報告 (Report):
(一)自行領取:體檢後 8 天起,周一至周五 13:30-17:00 憑領取單至門診大樓前棟一樓家庭醫學科門診2101診間領取報告。
Pick up report by yourself: About 7 days after the health exam, you can visit Family Medicine Outpatient department clinic room 2101 for getting your exam report.Please present the collection slip during the hours of 13:30 to 17:00, Monday to Friday.
Send the report to your home: Please prepare a stamp (NTD 36) and an envelope first. Give them to the nurse at the checkup clinic on the day of the health exam.
During the self-prevention period, asymptomatic persons, if necessary to go to a medical institution, must provide a negative results of rapid screening test.
For more information, please check the website of CDC for Foreign Worker Health Examination.
以上若有任何疑問請聯絡本部窗口:04-23592525轉3843 吳小姐
服務時段:上午:08:00-12:00 下午:13:30-17:30