泌尿醫學部 Department Of Urology
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更新日期 2024/2/22 15:03:37
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112年 (SCI IF 3.752)賴谷順、李建儀、王賢祥、陳卷書、楊晨洸、林嘉彥、洪晟鈞、裘坤元、楊順發
Real world treatment sequences and outcomes for metastatic renal cell carcinoma,
期刊:PLoS One,18卷,11冊
(SCI IF 3.9)張瓈文、洪晟鈞、周英二、陳卷書、李建儀、林嘉彥、王賢祥、楊順發
The impacts of MACC1 gene polymorphisms on urothelial cell carcinoma susceptibility and clinicopathologic characteristics in Taiwan.
J Cancer. 2023; 14(18): 3532–3538.
(SCI IF 2.3)賴谷順、李建儀、王賢祥、陳卷書、楊晨洸、林嘉彥、洪晟鈞、賀昊中、歐宴泉、裘坤元、楊順發
Influence of Surgical Complications on Outcomes in Kidney Transplantation Patients
In Vivo. 2023 Nov-Dec; 37(6): 2796–2802.
(SCI IF 2.3)Hsueh-Fen Ni, Jian-Ri Li, Shian-Shiang Wang ,Sheng-Chun Hung ,Cheng-Kuang Yang, Chuan-Shu Chen
Prognostic factors of Extramammary Paget's Disease: A retrospective study at a medical center in Taiwan.
In Vivo. 2023 Nov-Dec;37(6):2786-2791. doi: 10.21873/invivo.13390.
(SCI IF 1.014)盧嘉文、裘坤元
Lifetime Risk of Hepatorenal Events Assessed in Longitudinal Cohort of Renal Transplant Recipients with HBV Infection.
2023 Sep;55(7):1581-1587. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2023.05.017. Epub 2023 Jun 26.
(SCI IF 3.5)楊涵中、謝享宸、廖博崎、張瓈文、胡如娟、洪晟鈞、林嘉彥、王樹吉、陳正哲、楊晨洸、王賢祥、陳卷書、盧嘉文、李建儀、程千里
Metastasectomy Improves Overall Survival in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Cohort Study
期刊: Anticancer research                           43(7):3193-3201
(SCI IF 3.0)顏琮翰、王賢祥、楊晨洸、盧嘉文、陳卷書、程千里、陳俊朋、楊啟瑞、李建儀
Risk analysis of subsequent therapies after first-line chemotherapy in advanced testicular cancer patients
期刊: J Chin Med Assoc .                       2023 Jul 1;86(7):646-652.
(SCI IF 3.642)林嘉彥、王淳理、王賢祥、楊晨洸、李建儀、陳卷書、洪晟鈞、裘坤元、程千里、歐宴泉、楊順發
WWOX Polymorphisms as Predictors of the Biochemical Recurrence of Localized Prostate Cancer after Radical Prostatectomy 
WWOX 多態性作為根治性前列腺切除術後局限性前列腺癌生化復發的預測因子
Int J Med Sci . 20(7):969-975.
(SCI IF 2.48)李建儀、王賢祥、陳卷書、楊晨洸、盧嘉文、程千里、洪晟鈞、陳淑妍、徐倩儀、裘坤元
Efficacy of Novel Hormone Agents in the Treatment of Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Real-world Retrospective Study
期刊: ANTICANCER RESEARCH , 42(10):4857-4866 
(SCI IF 2.435)張瓈文, 王賢祥, 楊晨洸, 盧嘉文, 陳卷書, 程千里, 洪晟鈞, 裘坤元, 徐倩儀, 李建儀
Risk Analysis of Prostate Cancer Development Following Five-alpha Reductase Inhibitor Treatment for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
期刊:ANTICANCER PEREARCH                             43 (1) 485-491
(SCI IF 3.752)薛承勛, 張瓈文, 裘坤元, 洪晟鈞, 陳俊朋, 李建儀
Chronic kidney disease, preoperative use of antispasmodics and lower resected prostate volume ratios are risk factors for postoperative use of adrenergic Alpha-blockers and antispasmodics
期刊:PLOS ONE                             卷:18   冊:3   頁數:12
(SCI IF 3.456)盧嘉文、裘坤元
Temporal trends of de novo urological malignancy in renal transplant recipients without a cancer history :A longitudinal cohort study.
期刊: Clin Transplant         PMID: 37306943 DOI: 10.1111/ctr.15047
(SCI IF 3.871)楊晨洸、查岱龍、張延驊、黃書彬、林仁泰、王賢祥、黃昭淵、馮思中
Darolutamide for non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer:Efficacy, safety, and clinical perspectives of use
Darolutamide 治療非轉移性去勢抵抗性前列腺癌:療效、安全性和臨床應用前景
(SCI IF 3.111)楊晨洸、楊啟瑞、歐宴泉、程千里、賀昊中、裘坤元、王賢祥、李建儀、陳卷書、洪啟峰、王樹吉、林嘉彥、洪晟鈞
Prostate‑specific antigen density and preoperative MRI findings as predictors of biochemical recurrence in high‑risk and very high‑risk prostate cancer.
前列腺特異性抗原密度和術前 MRI 結果作為高危和極高危前列腺癌生化復發的預測指標
期刊: ONCOLOGY LETTERS                                        卷:26   冊:1  
(SCI IF 2.435)楊涵中、張瓈文、李建儀、王賢祥、楊晨洸、陳卷書、盧嘉文、陳正哲、王樹吉、林嘉彥、程千里、歐宴泉、裘坤元、洪晟鈞Complete Cycles of Radium-223 Improve Overall Survival in Patients With Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Retrospective Study.鐳223完整療程對轉移去勢失效攝護腺癌的影響: 回朔性研究
期刊: Anticancer research      卷:43  冊:4  頁數:1809-1816
(SCI IF 4.997)張瓈文、洪晟鈞、陳卷書、李建儀、裘坤元、王賢祥、楊晨洸、盧嘉文、陳正哲、王樹吉、林嘉彥、程千里、歐宴泉Geriatric nutritional risk index as a prognostic marker for patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma receiving radical nephroureterectomy.期刊: Scientific Reports    卷:13  冊:1  頁數:4554
(SCI IF 5.075)胡如娟、許齡內、李偉嘉、莊燿吉 、王弘仁Role of Urological Botulinum Toxin-A Injection for Overactive Bladder and Voiding Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease or Post-Stroke Patients.期刊:  Toxins (Basel). 2023;15(2):166.    卷:15   冊: 2   頁數:166-180.
(SCI IF 4.614)林嘉彥、王賢祥、謝俊瑜、周英二、簡銘賢、溫玉清、謝明儒Impact of Clinicopathological Characteristics and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-3 Polymorphism Rs9619311 on Biochemical Recurrence in Taiwanese Patients with Prostate Cancer.期刊:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health     卷:20 冊:1  頁數:306
(SCI IF 2.435)張瓈文、王賢祥、楊晨洸、盧嘉文、陳卷書、程千里、洪晟鈞、裘坤元、李建儀Risk Analysis of Prostate Cancer Development Following Five-alpha Reductase Inhibitor Treatment for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.良性前列腺肥大α還原酶抑製劑變後的攝護腺癌風險.期刊:ANTICANCER RESEARCH   卷:43冊: 1 頁數:485-491
(SCI IF 2.435)李建儀、王賢祥、陳卷書、楊晨洸、盧嘉文、程千里、洪晟鈞、陳淑妍、徐倩儀、裘坤元Efficacy of Novel Hormone Agents in the Treatment of Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Real-world Retrospective Study期刊: ANTICANCER RESEARCH 
(SCI IF 2.435)李建儀、王賢祥、盧嘉文、陳卷書、程千里、洪晟鈞、裘坤元、徐倩儀、楊晨洸First-line Chemotherapy Response Is Associated With Clinical Outcome During Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment in Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma:A Real World Retrospective Study
(SCI IF 17.521)陳正哲、院外:法雨辰、郭彥佑、劉怡均、林芝宇、王馨卉、呂育寰、江雨韓、楊家銘、吳立真Thiolated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as an Immunoadjuvant to Enhance Efficacy of Intravesical Chemotherapy for Bladder Cancer. 硫醇化奈米載體作為免疫佐劑可增強膀胱癌膀胱內化療的療效.期刊: Advanced Science, 先進科學2023 Jan 13;e2204643.
111年 (SCI IF 3.25)謝享宸、王淳理、陳卷書、楊晨洸、李建儀、王賢祥、程千里、林嘉彥、裘坤元The prognostic impact of lymph node dissection for clinically node-negative upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma in patients who are treated with radical nephroureterectomy. 於腎臟輸尿管切除時同時進行淋巴廓清手術對於影像無轉移之上泌尿道上皮癌之預後影響   期刊PLoS ONE 17(12): e0278038. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0278038  
(SCI IF 3.25)陳思如, 陳慧毅,王詩景, 林維勇, 蔡明諺, 陳德誠, 陳永祥, 陳汶吉Astragalus membranaceus Extract Prevents Calcium Oxalate Crystallization and Extends Lifespan in a Drosophila Urolithiasis Model黃耆萃取物預防草酸鈣結晶與延長壽命的果蠅動物模式.
期刊: Life (Basel).2022 卷:12 冊:8 頁數:1250
(SCI IF 5.07)陳思如,沈敬棟,陳慧毅,裘坤元,陳永祥Review of Animal Models to Study Urinary Bladder Function研究膀胱功能的動物模式
期刊:   Biology.2022卷:10 冊:12 頁數:1316
(SCI IF 2.030)林寬宇、陳律臻、熊小澐、洪晟鈞、楊晨洸、陳志榮、裘坤元 A para-aortic malignant melanotic nerve sheath tumor mimicking a gastrointestinal stromal tumor: a rare case report and review of literature期刊: BMC surgery  卷22(1),頁數293
(SCI IF3.752)梅承恩、 胡如娟、李建儀、裘坤元、王賢祥、陳卷書Intraoperative calculus or hemorrhage in transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy as a risk factor for recurrent hemospermia.儲精囊鏡術中發現結石或出血為血精復發之危險因子。期刊: PLOS One
(SCI IF3.752)李建儀、王賢祥、陳卷書、程千里、洪晟鈞、林敬恆、裘坤元Conventional androgen deprivation therapy is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in advanced prostate cancer,a nationwide population-based study.期刊: PLOS One
(SCI IF2.48)賴谷順、李建儀、王賢祥、陳卷書、楊晨洸、洪晟鈞、程千里、歐宴泉、裘坤元Tumor Size Significantly Affects Prognosis in Pathological T3a Renal Cell Carcinoma.腫瘤大小影響T3a腎細胞癌之預後。期刊:Anticancer Research 2022卷:42冊: 4  頁數:2185-2191
110年 (SCI IF2.155)洪晟鈞、張瓈文、李建儀、王賢祥、楊晨洸、陳卷書、盧嘉文、陳正哲、王樹吉、│林嘉彥、程千里、歐宴泉、裘坤元 Docetaxel  Rechallenge  Improves  Survival in Patients With Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer:A Retrospective Study(2021). 歐洲紫杉醇重新使用於轉移去勢失效攝護腺癌:回溯性研究
 (SCI IF3.498)胡如娟, 王賢祥, 周英二, 裘坤元, 李建儀, 陳卷書, 洪晟鈞, 楊晨洸, 歐宴泉, 程千里  通訊作者:林嘉彥, 楊順發  MALAT1基因多形性與攝護腺癌淋巴轉移之關聯性Associations between LncRNA MALAT1 Polymorphisms and Lymph Node Metastasis in Prostate Cancer.期刊:Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 卷: 11 冊: 9 頁數: 1692
 (SCI IF3.498)陳卷書、林嘉彥、王淳理、王賢祥、李建儀、楊晨洸、程千里、裘坤元、楊順發Association between lymphovascular invasion and oncological outcome in node-negative upper tract urothelial carcinoma with different stage.針對不同期別且無淋巴轉移的上泌尿道上皮癌探討淋巴血管侵犯與癌症預後之關係。期刊: UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY (2021)
 (SCI IF3.369)陳卷書、李建儀、楊晨洸、程千里、楊啟瑞、歐宴泉、賀昊中、林嘉彥、洪晟鈞、陳正哲、王樹吉、王賢祥Significant predictors of contralateral upper tract recurrence after radical nephroureterectomy for upper tract urothelial carcinoma.探討上泌尿道上皮癌術後對側復發之危險因子
 (SCI IF1.838)賴谷順、洪晟鈞、張瓈文、王賢祥、李建儀、陳卷書、楊晨洸、程千里、歐宴泉、賀昊中、裘坤元Renal volume matters: Assessing the association between excisional volume loss and renal function after partial nephrectomy.期刊: Asian journal of surgery
(SCI IF2.882)謝博彥、洪晟鈞、李建儀、王賢祥、楊晨洸、陳卷書、盧嘉文、程千里、裘坤元 The effect of metastasectomy on overall survival in metastatic renal cell carcinoma:A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2021)轉移腎細胞癌行轉移腫瘤切除手術之整體存活影響:回朔性研究之整合分析
期刊: Urologic Oncology:Seminars and Original Investigations. 
109年 (SCI IF1.362)陳思如,黃志平,裘坤元,陳慧毅,邱侶婷,陳永祥,陳汶吉Association of acute pyelonephritis with double-J ureteral stenting: a nationwide population-based case control study
期刊: Scandinavian Journal of Urology.  2020 Sep 25;1-6
(SCI IF3.11)Animal Models for Studying Stone Disease.  期刊: diagnostics 卷:10 冊: 7 頁數:(2020)490  陳思如,裘坤元,陳慧毅,林維勇,陳永祥,陳汶吉
(SCI IF4.225)張瓈文、洪晟鈞、李建儀、裘坤元、楊晨洸、陳卷書、盧嘉文、陳正哲、王樹吉、林嘉彥 、程千里、歐宴泉、楊順發、徐倩儀、何思函、王賢祥Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index as a Prognostic Marker for Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Receiving Docetaxel.2020期刊: Frontiers in pharmacology.
(SCI IF 2.882)陳卷書、林嘉彥、王淳理、王賢祥、李建儀、楊晨洸、程千里、裘坤元、楊順發Association between lymphovascular invasion and oncological outcome in node-negative upper tract urothelial carcinoma with different stage.期刊: Urologic oncology 2020(1-14)
(SCI IF 1.994)廖博崎、洪晟鈞、胡如娟、裘坤元 Retzius-sparing Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy facilitates early continence regardless of neurovascular bundle sparing. 膀胱前空間保留之機械手臂根除性攝護腺切除手術促進早期禁尿功能恢復不管神經血管叢保留與否   期刊:  Anticancer research 40:4075-4080(2020)
SCI李建儀(共同作者) Atezolizumab with or without chemotherapy in metastatic urothelial cancer(IMvigor130):a multicentre,randomised,placebo-controlled phase3 trial (2020)
(SCI IF 4.679)李建儀、歐宴泉、吳志成、王建得、林時逸、王雅瑜、陳春榮Endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy contributed to cadmium nephrotoxicity in HK-2 cells and sprague-dawley rats. Food Chem. Toxicol. 146, 111828.
(SCI IF2.489)陳卷書、李建儀、王賢祥、楊晨洸、程千里、楊啟瑞、歐宴泉、賀昊中、林嘉彥、洪晟鈞、陳正哲、王樹吉、裘坤元、楊順發Tumor Multifocality is a Significant Risk Factor of Urinary Bladder Recurrence after
Nephroureterectomy in Patients with Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A Single-Institutional Study  腫瘤多發性對於上泌尿道上皮癌膀胱復發是一個有意意的因子:單一機構研究  期刊: diagnostics(2020)  卷10,冊4,頁數201-209
王樹吉、楊晨洸、程千里、歐宴泉Management of postoperative ileus after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy.期刊: Formosan Journal of Surgery. (2019)207-211
108年 (SCI IF 1.935)張瓈文、洪晟鈞、王賢祥、李建儀、楊晨洸、陳卷書、賀昊中、程千里、歐宴泉、裘坤元
Abraterone Acetate and Enzalutamide:Similar Efficacy inTREATING Post Doctaxel Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer :Single Center Experience.去勢治療失敗後攝護腺癌於化療藥物Doctaxel後使用新一代抗賀爾蒙藥物Abraterone與Enzalutamide 之治療效果 (2019)  39冊3901-3908
(SCI IF 2.863)洪晟鈞、李建儀、陳卷書、林嘉彥、張瓈文、裘坤元、程千里、歐晏泉、王賢祥、楊順發Functional genetic variant of WW domain containing oxidoreductase gene associated with urothelial cell carcinoma clinicopathologic characteristics and long-term survivalWWOX 基因多型性對於尿路上皮細胞癌之臨床預後及長期存活的影響 期刊: UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS  (2019)  1078-1439
(SCI IF 2.333)林嘉彥、王賢祥、楊晨洸、李建儀、陳卷書、洪晟鈞、裘坤元、程千里、歐宴泉、 楊順發
Impact of GAS5 genetic polymorphism on prostate cancer susceptibility and clinicopathologic characteristics期刊:International journal of medical sciences  2019:16(10) 1424-1429
(SCI IF 2.676)林嘉彥、王淳理、黃俊哲、林鉅勝、胡中傑、黃曉峰、顏廷廷、劉夷生、李隆軍 Do-not-resuscitate status is correlated with the prescribed use of systemic strong opioid analgesics in patients with  terminal cancer:an observational study. 期刊: Supportive Care Cancer (2019)
(SCI IF 3.397)林嘉彥、王賢祥、楊晨洸、李建儀、陳卷書、洪晟鈞、裘坤元、程千里、歐宴泉、 楊順發Cenetic polymorphism and carbonic anhydrase 9 expression can predictnodal metastatic prostate cancer risk in patients with prostate-specific antigen levels<10 ng/ml at initial biopsy期刊: Urol oncol  2019 :37 (11)Pages 814.e9-814.e16
王樹吉、裘坤元Primary hyperaldosteronism manifested by rhabdomyolysis.期刊:Open journal of clinical & medical case report. (2019) 
張瓈文、洪晟鈞、李建儀、陳卷書、楊晨洸、程千里、歐晏泉、賀昊中、裘坤元、張兆祥、王賢祥 Efficacy of Bladder Instillations with Mitomycin or Bacillus Calmette–Guérin in Patients with T1 High-Grade Bladder Cancer: Experience from a Single Center高惡性度膀胱癌接受卡介苗與mitomycin灌藥之效力: 單一醫學中心經驗  期刊: Urological Science  (2019) vol.30 issue2 p67-73
(SCI IF 3.040)程千里,趙偉廷,黎喻暄,歐彥泉,王賢祥,裘坤元,袁小雲Escin induces apoptosis in human bladder cancer cells:An in vitro and in vivo study
期刊: European Journal of  Pharmacology 840(2018)79-88
(SCI IF 1.865)李建儀,王賢祥,林敬恆、 程千里,WILLIAM C.DE GROAT,程千里Positive Association of Male Overactive Bladder Symptoms ans Androgen Deprivation A Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study男性尿失禁與男性荷爾蒙阻斷的關聯性研究  期刊: Anticancer Research 39:305-311(2019)
(SCI IF 3.397)洪晟鈞、王賢祥、李建儀、陳卷書、林嘉彥、張瓈文、裘坤元、程千里、歐晏泉、楊順發Impact of RAGE polymorphisms on urothelial cell carcinoma clinicopathologic characteristicsand long-term survival.
(SCI IF 1.865)李建儀、王賢祥、林敬恆、WILLIAM C.DE、程千里/男性尿失禁與男性荷爾蒙阻斷的關聯性研究Positive Association of Male Overactive Bladder Symptoms and Androgen Deprivation: A Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study. 期刊: Anticancer research,39卷,305-311頁,2019年
107年 洪晟鈞 張瓈文 楊晨洸
Perirenal Abscess After Partial Nephrectomy Because of Migration of Upper Calix Stone and Urine Leakage: A Case Report. (部分腎切除後因結石位移造成尿液滲漏併發腎旁膿瘍: 病例報告), 期刊:JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY CASE REPORTS,3卷,1冊,138–141頁, 2017年.
(SCI IF 1.252)張瓈文 洪晟鈞 胡如娟 裘坤元Retzius-sparing Robotic-assisted Radical Prostatectomy Associated with Less Bladder Neck Descent and Better Early Continence Outcome.(Retzius空間保留機械手臂輔助設護腺根除手術與較少膀胱頸降低的關聯性與較佳的早期禁尿之預後), 期刊:ANTICANCER RESEARCH,38卷, 冊,345-351頁, 2018年, 
(SCI IF 2.284)王樹吉、陳正哲、楊晨洸、熊小澐、詹以吉、歐宴泉Pathological outcomes in men with prostate cancer who are eligible for active surveillance.(有資格進行主動監測的攝護腺癌患者之病理结果), 期刊:Journal of the Chinese Medical Association,81卷, 冊,348-351頁, 2018年
(SCI IF 2.074) Ju-Chuan Hu, MD,1 Kun-Yuan Chiu, PhD,1,2 Shian-Shiang Wang, PhD,1,3 Chuan-Su Chen, MM,1,3
Hao-Chung Ho, MD,1 Cheng-Kuang Yang, MD,1 Cheng-Che Chen, MD,1 Shu-Chi Wang, MD,1Chia-Yen Lin, MD,1,3 Sheng-Chun Hung, MD,1,3 Chen-Li Cheng, PhD,1,3 and Jian-Ri Li, PhD1,3,4 A Modified Application of Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Implantation: A Revolution from the Laparoscope- to the Nephroscope-Assisted Surgery. (改良式腹膜透習導管置放手術: 從腹腔鏡到腎臟鏡), 期刊: Journal of Endourology
(SCI IF 1.941)胡如娟、陳卷書
Transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy acts as a therapeutic investigation for intractable hemospermia: Step-by-step illustrations and single-surgeon experience.(經尿道儲精囊內視鏡用於治療頑固性血精: 手術方法與單一術者經驗分析) 期刊:  International Journal of Urology
(SCI IF 1.937)李建儀、 歐宴泉、 楊晨洸、王賢祥、陳卷書、賀昊中、程千里、楊啟瑞、陳正哲、王樹吉、林嘉彥、洪晟鈞、徐倩儀、裘坤元(通訊作者) The Impact  of  Local Intervention Combined with Targeted Therapy on Meatastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma.(局部治療對轉移性腎臟癌的治療影響), 期刊:Anticancer research,38卷,5339-5345頁, 2018年
(SCI IF 1.937)洪晟鈞、王賢祥、李建儀、陳美智、楊晨洸、陳卷書、賀昊中、裘坤元、程千里、張兆祥(院外)、通訊作者:歐宴泉Outcome of Patients with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer After PSA Progression with Abiraterone Acetate
(轉移性去勢抵抗前列腺癌患者於使用Abiraterone Acetate 後PSA進展後的預後), 期刊:Anticancer research,38卷,5429-5436頁, 2018年
(SCI IF 2.284)洪晟鈞、王賢祥、李建儀、陳卷書、楊晨洸、裘坤元、程千里、歐宴泉、賀昊中、通訊作者:楊順發 Effect of HMGB1 Polymorphisms on Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Susceptibility and Clinicopathological Characteristics(HMGB1之基因多型性與尿路上皮惡性腫瘤之臨床與病理特徵之關聯性)., 期刊: International Journal of Medical Sciences,15卷, 1731-1736頁, 2018年
106年 (SCI IF 2.284)洪晟鈞、王賢祥、李建儀、陳卷書、楊晨洸、裘坤元、程千里、歐宴泉、賀昊中、通訊作者:楊順發 Effect of HMGB1 Polymorphisms on Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Susceptibility and Clinicopathological Characteristics(HMGB1之基因多型性與尿路上皮惡性腫瘤之臨床與病理特徵之關聯性)., 期刊: International Journal of Medical Sciences,15卷, 1731-1736頁, 2018年
(SCI IF 4.418/≦20%)Jian-Ri Li(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Kun-Yuan Chiu, Shian-Shiang Wang, Cheng-KuangYang, Chuan-Shu Chen, Hao-ChungHo, Chi-Feng Hung,Chen-Li Cheng, Chi-Rei Yang, Cheng-Che Chen, Shu-Chi Wang, Chia-Yen Lin, Chao-Hsing Chang, Chiann-Yi Hsu and Yen-Chuan Ou. Effectiveness of Deferred Combined Androgen Blockade Therapy Predicts Efficacy in Abiraterone Acetate Treated Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients after Docetaxel. (中文題目: 延遲合併荷爾蒙治療的療效可以有效預測阿比特龍治療去勢治療抗性的攝護腺癌效果), 期刊: Frontiers in Pharmacology,8卷,冊,頁, 2017年
 (通訊作者:裘坤元醫師), Hung Siu-Wan, Wu Chih-Ying, Chiang Heng-Chieh and Chiu Kun-Yuan. Hemangioma of the Prostate: A Case Report and Literature Review, 期刊:臨床醫學案例報告檔案(Archives of Clinical and Medical Reports),1卷,2冊,57-61頁, 2017年
Shu-Chi Wang(通訊作者:楊晨洸醫師),, MD, Siu-Wan Hung, MD, Chen-Hui Lee, MD, Hao-Chung Ho, MD, Yen-Chuan Ou, PhD, and Cheng-Kuang Yang, MD. Ectopic Thyroid Tissue in the Adrenal Gland Mimicking a Pheochromocytoma. (發生於腎上腺之異位甲狀腺組織模擬似嗜鉻細胞瘤), 期刊: Journal of Endourology Case Reports 3:1, 149–151, DOI:10.1089/cren.2017.0080. 2017年.
 Shu-Chi Wang(通訊作者:裘坤元醫師), Ren-Ching Wang, Kun-Yuan Chiu. Robot assisted laparoscopic partial cystectomy for urinary bladder paraganglioma. (達文西腹腔鏡手術切除膀胱之副神經結瘤), 期刊:Formosan Journal of Surgery,50卷,冊,186-188頁, 2017年.
(SCI IF 1.895)SHENG-CHUN HUNG(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), CHEN-KUANG YANG, CHEN-LI CHENG and YEN-CHUAN OU. Long-term Oncologic Outcomes of Robotic-assisted Radical Prostatectomy by a Single Surgeon(單一外科手術機器人輔助根治性前列腺切除術長時間腫瘤學結論), 期刊:ANTICANCER RESEARCH,37卷,冊,4157-4164頁, 2017年.
(SCI IF 1.297)Sheng-Chun Hung(通訊作者:裘坤元醫師), MD,1 Kun-Yuan Chiu, PhD,1 Chen-Li Cheng, PhD,1 Yen-Chuan Ou, PhD,1,2, Hao-Chung Ho, MD,1 Shian-Shiang Wang, PhD,1 Chuan-Shu Chen, MD,1 Jian-Ri Li, PhD,1, Chun-Kuang Yang, MD,1 and Li-Wen Chang, MD1. Ureteroscopy-Assisted Laparoscopic Segmental Resection of Ureteral Stricture with a Modified Flank Position: Clinical Experience.(尿道鏡輔助腹腔鏡切除術後改良腹腔置換腹腔鏡下:臨床經驗), 期刊:Journal of laparoendoscopic and advanced surgical techniques,27卷,7冊,691-695頁, 2017年
(SCI IF 1.895)JU-CHUAN HU(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), SHENG-CHUN HUNG and YEN-CHUAN OU. Assessments of Neoadjuvant Hormone Therapy Followed by Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy for Intermediate- and High-Risk Prostate Cancer. (機器人輔助激素前列腺切除術治療中,高危前列腺癌的新輔助激素治療評估。), 期刊:ANTICANCER RESEARCH,37卷,6冊,3143-3150頁, 2017年.
(SCI IF 1.895)SHENG-CHUN HUNG1(通訊作者:陳卷書醫師), SHIAN-SHIANG WANG1,2,3, CHUN-KUANG YANG1, JIAN-RI LI1, CHEN-LI CHENG1, YEN-CHUAN OU1, HAO-CHUNG HO1, KUN-YUAN CHIU1 and CHUAN-SHU CHEN1. Comparison of Efficacy of Adjuvant MEC (Methotrexate, Epirubicin and Cisplatin) and GC (Gemcitabine and Cisplatin) in Advanced Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma. (MEC及GC抗癌藥物在晚期上尿路上皮癌中的療效比較), 期刊:ANTICANCER RESEARCH,37卷,4冊,1875-1883頁, 2017年.
(SCI IF 0.91)Chia-Yen Lin(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Cheng-Kuang Yang, Yen-Chuan Ou, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chen-Li Cheng, Hao-Chung Ho, Shian-Shiang Wang, Chuan-Shu Chen, Jian-Ri Li. Long-term outcome of robotic partial nephrectomy for renal angiomyolipoma (機器人部分腎切除術對於腎血管動脈脂瘤的長期結果), 期刊:Asian Journal of Surgery,卷,冊,doi: 10.1016/j.asjsur.2016.11.003頁, 2017年.
(SCI IF 2.486)Yuan SY1, Cheng CL1, Wang SS1, Ho HC1, Chiu KY1, Chen CS1, Chen CC1, Shiau MY2, Ou YC1. Escin induces apoptosis in human renal cancer cells through G2/M arrest and reactive oxygen species-modulated mitochondrial pathways. Oncol Rep. 2017 Feb;37(2):1002-1010.
 (SCI IF 2.653)Chih-Cheng Wu, Cheng-Yi Chang, Yen-Chuan Ou, Shih-Yi Lin, Ya-Yu Wang, Wen-Ying Chen, Shue-Ling Raung, Su-Lan Liao, Chun-Jung Chen.Susceptibility of naïve and differentiated PC12 cells to Japanese encephalitis virus infection. IUBMB Life, Volume 69, Issue 2, February 2017, Pages 79-87.
(SCI IF 4.418/≦20%)Jian-Ri Li (通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師) , Shian-Shiang Wang, Cheng-Kuang Yang, Chuan-Su Chen, Hao-Chung Ho, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chi-Feng Hung, Chen-Li Chen, Chi-Rei Yang, Cheng-Che Chen, Shu-Chi Wang, Chia-Yen Lin, and Yen-Chuan Ou. First line androgen deprivation duration is associated with the efficacy outcome of abiraterone acetate treated metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer after docetaxel. (中文題目: 第一線雄激素剝奪持續時間與多西他賽后醋酸阿比特龍治療的轉移性去勢抵抗性前列腺癌的功效相關結果), 期刊: Frontiers in Pharmacology,卷,冊,doi: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00055頁, 2017年
105年 Ju-Chuan Hu(通訊作者:裘坤元醫師), Kun-Yuan Chiu, Laparoscopic Retzius-Sparing Radical Prostatectomy: Single Surgeon Experiences, J Endourol Videourology. 2016, DOI: 10.1089/vid. 2016.0044.
Ju-Chuan Hu(通訊作者:裘坤元醫師), Kun-Yuan Chiu, Bipolar Transurethral Enucleation of Prostate with Button Electrode Versus Laser Enucleation for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: A Single Surgeon Prospective Study, J Endourol Videourology. 2016, DOI: 10.1089/vid.2016.0002.
Sheng-Chun Hung(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Yen-Chuan Ou, Chen-Li Cheng, Hao-Chung Ho, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chung-Kuang Su, Wen-Ming Chen, Shian-Shiang Wang, Chuan-Shu Chen, Jian-Ri Li, Cheng-Kuang Yang, Shu-Chi Wang, Li-Wen Chang. Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Simple Prostatectomy with Retropubic Approach in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Single Center Experience and Video Demonstration(機器人輔助腹腔鏡單純性前列腺切除術與良性前列腺增生:單一中心經驗和視頻演示).J Endourol Videourology. 2016, DOI: 10.1089/vid.2016.0045
 Sheng-Chun Hung, Yen-Chuan Ou, Chen-Li Cheng, Siu-Wan Hung, Hao-Chung Ho, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Shian-Shiang Wang, Chuan-Shu Chen, Jian-Ri Li, Chun-Kuang Yang. Standardized procedure of robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy from case 1 to case 1200. (機器人輔助腹腔鏡根治性前列腺切除術標準程序,從病例1到病例1200), 期刊: Urological Science 27 (2016), 199-207頁, 2016年
 Che-Yuan Kuo(通訊作者:王賢祥醫師), Shian-Shiang Wang, Chen-Hui Lee, Yen-Chuan Ou. Rare presentation of discrete ureteral metastasis from prostate adenocarcinoma(攝護腺癌併輸尿管轉移), 期刊:Formosan Journal of Surgery,49卷, 冊,242-244頁, 2016年
(SCI IF 3.248)Chen-Li Cheng and William C. de Groa. Effect of orchiectomy and testosterone replacement on lower urinary tract function in anesthetized rats (睪丸切除與男性荷爾蒙補充對麻醉大白鼠下泌尿道功能之影響). Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 311: F864-870, 2016.
Shu-Chi Wang(通訊作者:裘坤元醫師), Siu-Wan Hung, Kun-Yuan Chiu. Laparoscopic heminephroureterectomy for urothelial carcinoma in a horseshoe kidney. Formosan Journal of Surgery (2016) 49, 187-189.
(SCI IF 1.826)YEN-CHUAN OU, WEI-CHUN WENG, KUANGH-SI CHANG, CHENG-EN MEI, CHUN KUANG YANG, SIU-WAN HUNG, JOHN WANG and MIN-CHE TUNG. Prophylactic Robotic-assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy for Preoperative Suspicion of Prostate Cancer: Experience with 55 Cases. ANTICANCER RESEARCH 36: 4895-4902 (2016)
(SCI IF 5.723)Cheng, ChenLi MD, Li, JianRi MD, Lin, ChingHeng, de Groat, William C.. Positive association of female overactive bladder symptoms and estrogen deprivation: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan., 期刊:MEDICINE,95卷,28冊,e4107(1-7)頁, 2016年
(SCI IF 5.723)Cheng, ChenLi MD, Li, JianRi MD, Lin, ChingHeng, de Groat, William C.. Positive association of female overactive bladder symptoms and estrogen deprivation: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan., 期刊:MEDICINE,95卷,28冊,e4107(1-7)頁, 2016年
Shu-Chi Wang(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Cheng-Kuang Yang, Chih-Peng Chang, Yen-Chuan Ou. Robotic simple prostatectomy: Initial single-center experience in Taiwan. Urological Science 27 (2016) 77-80.
(SCI IF 2.016) Chi-Feng Hung(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Cheng-Kuang Yang, and Yen-Chuan Ou. Urologic cancer in Taiwan. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2016, 46(7) 605–609.
 (SCI IF 1.826) YEN-CHUAN OU, CHUN-KUANG YANG, KUANGH-SI CHANG, JOHN WANG, SIU-WAN HUNG, MIN-CHE TUNG, ASHUTOSH K. TEWARI and VIPUL R. PATEL. Prevention and Management of Complications During Robotic-assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Following Comprehensive Planning: A Large Series Involving a Single Surgeon. ANTICANCER RESEARCH 36: 1991-1998 (2016)
 (SCI IF 2.566)S.-L. Chen1,2,(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Y.-H. Huang2,3, T.-W. Hung2,4, Y.-C. Ou5. Comparison of nocturia response to desmopressin treatment in elderly men with and without nocturnal polyuria in real-life practice. Int J Clin Prac, 2016.
 (SCI IF 5.621)Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chun-Chi Wu, Chi-Hao Chia, Shih-Lan Hsu, Yew-Min Tzeng. Inhibition of growth, migration and invasion of human bladder cancer cells by antrocin, a sesquiterpene lactone isolated from Antrodia cinnamomea, and its molecular mechanisms. Cancer Letters 373 (2016) 174-184.
Sheng-Chun Hung(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師),, Yen-chuan Ou*, Chun-I
104年 Che-Jui Yang(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Yen-Chuan Ou, Chun-Kuang Yang. Percutaneous cystostomy drainage for early removing urethral catheter in robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: Improving on patients' discomfort, 期刊:Urological Science,26卷,冊,240-242頁, 2015年
(SCI IF 1.695)Chen CC(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Yang CK, Hung SW, Wang J, Ou YC. Outcome of vesicourethral anastomosis after robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: A 6-year experience in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2015 Oct;114(10):959-64.( I F= 1.695;R/C= 57/156,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL) (Citations:2)
(SCI IF 1.695)Chen CC(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Yang CK, Hung SW, Wang J, Ou YC. Outcome of vesicourethral anastomosis after robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: A 6-year experience in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2015 Oct;114(10):959-64.( I F= 1.695;R/C= 57/156,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL) (Citations:2)
(SCI IF 3.143)Chang CY, Li JR, Ou YC, Chen WY, Liao SL, Raung SL, Hsiao AL, Chen CJ. Enterovirus 71 infection caused neuronal cell death and cytokine expression in cultured rat neural cells. IUBMB Life.;R/C= 115/290,BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)  共掛第一作者 2015 Oct;67(10):789-800. doi: 10.1002/iub.1434. Epub 2015 Sep 24( I F= 3.143.
Chih-Chin Yu(通訊作者:楊晨洸醫師), Yen-Chuan Ou, Cheng-Kuang Yang. Minimal incisions for laparoscopic radical cystectomy with extracorporeal-assisted urinary diversion. Urological Science 26(2015), 91-94.
(SCI IF 2.684)Yuan SY通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Cheng CL2, Ho HC2, Wang SS2, Chiu KY2, Su CK2, Ou YC3, Lin CC4. Nortriptyline induces mitochondria and death receptor-mediated apoptosis in bladder cancer cells and inhibits bladder tumor growth in vivo. Eur J Pharmacol. 2015 Aug 15;761:309-20. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2015.06.007. Epub 2015 Jun 15.1
 (SCI IF 1.826)歐宴泉、楊晨洸、康訓明、張光喜、王約翰、熊小澐、童敏哲、ASHUTOSH K. TEWARI VIPUL R . PATEL. Pentafecta Outcomes of 230 Cases of Robotic..assisted Radical Prostatectomy with Bilateral Neurovascular Bundle Preservation (五合一之230 ANTICANCER RESEARCH:,352012 Sep;75(9):479-82. [Epub ahead of print] ( I F= 2.49;R/C= 43/199,SURGERY) (1 items)
103年   Chuo-Jung Tsai(通訊作者:王賢祥醫師), Shian-Shiang Wang, Yen-Chuan Ou. Cyclophosphamide -induced intractable hemorrhagic cystitis treated with hyperbaric oxygenation and intravesical sodium hyaluronate. (環磷酰胺誘導的用高壓氧合治療的頑固性出血性膀胱炎和膀胱內透明質酸鈉)期刊:Urological Science,25卷,冊, 155-157頁, 2014年
(SCI IF 0.889)Chia-Yen Lin(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Chi-Rei Yang, Chen-Li Cheng, Hao-Chung Ho, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chung-Kuang Su, Wen-Ming Chen, Shian-Shiang Wang, Chuan-Shu Chen, Jian-Ri Li, Cheng-Kuang Yang, Yen-Chuan Ou* Application in robotic urologic surgery. (機器人手臂手術於泌尿科領域之應用), Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 77 (2014) 242-245.
(SCI IF 1.092)Chen-Kuang Yang1†(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Shiu-Dong Chung2†, Shun-Fa Hung2, Wei-Che Wu2, Yen-Chuan Ou1*, Chao-Yuan Huang3* and Yeong-Shiau Pu3. Robot-assisted nephroureterectomy for upper tract urothelial carcinoma: the Taiwan Robot Urological Surgery Team (TRUST) experience. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2014, 12:219.
Chi-Feng Hung(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Cheng-Kuang Yang, Yen-Chuan Ou, Robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy following transurethral resection of the prostate: perioperative, oncologic and functional outcomesn. (經尿道攝護腺刮除術後對攝護腺癌病患接受機械手臂輔助腹腔鏡攝護腺根除術術後之腫瘤控制及功能性結果.), 期刊: Prostate Int. 2014; 2(2): 82-89.
 Chih-Peng Chang(通訊作者:李建儀醫師), Jian-Ri Li, Chii-Shuenn Yang, Yen-Chuan Ou, Chen-Li Cheng. Multilocular cystic nephroma: A case report and review of the literature. (多發性囊泡腎臟瘤:病例報告及文獻回顧)., 期刊:Urological Science,25卷,冊,109-111頁, 2014年.
 Chih-Peng Chang(通訊作者:李建儀醫師), Jian-Ri Li, Chen-Li Cheng, Yen-Chuan Ou, Hao-Chung Ho. Suprapubic catheter change resulting in terminal ileal perforation. (恥骨上造廔導致迴腸穿孔)., 期刊:Urological Science,25卷,冊,68-69頁, 2014年.
CC Yu(通訊作者:賀昊中醫師), HC Ho, TM Yu, YC Ou, KH Shu, CL Cheng, CK Su, WM Chen, SS Wang, CS Chen, JR Li and CK Yang. Kidneys from standard-criteria donos with different severities of terminal acute kidney injury. (標準捐贈者發生不同程度急性腎衰竭對腎移植之影響), 期刊:Transplantation Proceedings,46卷,冊,3335-3338頁, 2014年.
Li-Hua Huang(通訊作者:裘坤元醫師), Siu-Wan Hung, Yen-Chuan Ou, Kun-Yuan Chiu. Nephron-sparing surgery with autotransplantation for high-grade upper urinary tract urothelial carcinomain a patient with solitary kidney. Urological Science 25(2014) 146-148.
Chih-Chin Yu(通訊作者:李建儀醫師), Yen-Chuan Ou, Hao-Chung Ho, Chen-Li Cheng, Jian-Ri Li. Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the brain: a report of long-term survival following multimodal treatment and sequential use of targeted agents. Urological Science 25(2014) 119-121
(SCI IF 1.713)Jian-Ri Li(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Cheng-Kuang Yang, Shian-Shiang Wang, Chuan-Shu Chen, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chen-Li Cheng, Chi-Rei Yang, Hao-Chung Ho, Jiunn-Liang Ko and Yen-Chuan, Ou. First-line treatment result influence second-line regimen selection in targeted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. (中文題目:治療轉移性腎臟癌的第一線標靶藥物療效會影響第二線藥物的選擇), 期刊:ANTICANCER RESEARCH,34卷,冊,5643-5648頁, 2014年.
(SCI IF 1.713)Jian-Ri Li, Chen-Li Cheng, Wan-Jung Wang, Chi-Rei Yang, Yen-Chuan, Ou, Ming-Ju Wu, Jiunn-Liang Ko. FIP-gts potentiate autophagic cell death against cisplatin-resistant urothelial cancer cells.松杉靈芝蛋白會促進細胞自噬作用治療順鉑抗藥性的泌尿上皮癌. , 期刊:ANTICANCER RESEARCH,34卷,冊,2973-2984頁, 2014年.
(SCI IF 2.518)Shian-Shiang Wang & Ming-Ju Hsieh & Yen-Chuan Ou &Chuan-Shu Chen & Jian-Ri Li & Pei-Ching Hsiao & Shun-Fa Yang. Impacts of ICAM-1 gene polymorphisms on urothelial cell carcinoma susceptibility and clinicopathologic characteristics in Taiwans. ICAM-1基因多型性對台灣泌尿上皮癌易感性及臨床病理表徵之影響. Tumor Biol. Aug. 2014, Vol. 35, Issue: 8, pp7483-7490.
(SCI IF 2.555)Yen-Chuan Ou, (通訊作者:陳春榮博士), Jian-Ri Li, Yu-Hsiang Kuan, Chung-Chiang Wang, Yu-Yeh Hung, Pin-Ho, Pan, Hsi-Chi Lu, Chun, Jun Chen. Luteolin sensitizes human 786-O renal cell carcinoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Life Sciences 100 (2014) 110–117.
(SCI IF 5.868)Ming-Chien Hung(通訊作者:程千里醫師), Sheau-Yun Yuan, Shih I. Chang, Jiunn-Wang Liao, Chen-Li Cheng, Tse-Hao Ko, ” Evaluation of active carbon fibers used in cell biocompatibility and rat cystitis treatment ”, Carbon 68 (2014):628-637. (IF: 5.868)
(SCI IF 3.682)Chen-Li Cheng, and William C. de Groat. Effects of agonists for estrogen receptor a and b on ovariectomy-induced lower urinary tract dysfunction in the rat. American Journal of Physiology-Renal, 306: F181-187, 2014.
102年 (SCI IF 4.774)Ou YC, Kuan YH, Li JR, Raung SL, Wang CC, Hung YY, Chen CJ. Induction of Apoptosis by Luteolin Involving Akt Inactivation in Human 786-O Renal Cell Carcinoma Cells. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine . 2013;2013:109105. doi: 10.1155/2013/109105. Epub 2013 Feb 5
(SCI IF 4.092)Shian-Shiang Wang, Yu-Fan Liu, Yen-Chuan Ou, Chuan-Shu Chen, Jian-Ri Li, Shun-Fa Yang(通訊作者:楊順發,中山醫學大學醫學研究部). Impacts of CA9 Gene Polymorphisms on Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Susceptibility and Clinicopathologic Characteristics in Taiwan(CA9基因多型性對台灣泌尿上皮癌易感性及臨床病理表徵之影響)., 期刊:PLOS ONE, 8 卷,12冊,e82804頁, Dec. 2013.
 (SCI IF 3.230)Jian-Ri Li, Chen-Li Cheng, Chi-Rie Yang, Yen-Chuan Ou, Ming-Ju Wu, Jiunn-Liang Ko. Dual inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin NVP-BEZ235 effectively inhibits cisplatin-resistant urothelial cancer cell growth through autophagic flux., 期刊:Toxicology Letters,220卷,-冊,267-276頁, 2013年
(SCI IF 1.747)Chih-Chin Yu, Fang-Yi Lee and Jian-Ri Li. Recurrent pseudotumor of the urinary bladder managed by revision hip arthroplasty. (以重置關節處理膀胱復發性假性腫瘤), 期刊:International Journal of Urology ,20卷,冊,455-456頁, 2013年,
(SCI IF 2.428)Chih-Peng Chang(通訊作者:王賢祥醫師), Shian-Shiang Wang, Mei-Chin Wen, and Yen-Chuan Ou. Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the renal pelvis masquerading as xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. (腎盂黏液性腺癌疑似黃色肉芽腫腎盂腎炎), 期刊:Urology,81卷,6冊,40-41頁, 2013年
(SCI IF 2.597)Li JR(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Yang CR, Cheng CL, Yang CK, Cheng CH, Chiu KY, Ou YC*. Efficacy of a Protocol Including Heparin Ointment for Treatment of Multikinase Inhibitor-Induced Hand-Foot Skin Reactions. Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer (JSCC) 2013 Mar;21(3):907-11 ( I F= 2.597;R/C= 9/62,REHABILITATION) (Corresponding author)
 (SCI IF 2.097)Jian-Ri Li, (通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Chi-Hung Cheng, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chen-Li Cheng, Chi-Rei Yang, Hao-Chung Ho, Jiunn-Liang Ko, and Yen-Chuan Ou. Minilaparotomy salvage of malfunctioning catheters in peritoneal dialysis. (以微創開腹術進行失能腹膜透析導管修復), 期刊:Peritoneal Dialysis International,33卷,--冊,46-50頁, 2013年.
The trifecta outcome in 300 consecutive cases of robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy according to D'Amico risk criteria.
101年 (SCI IF 1.747)Chen CC(通訊作者:歐宴泉醫師), Ou YC*, Yang CK, Chiu KY, Wang SS, Su CK, Ho HC, Cheng CL, Chen CS, Lee JR, Chen WM. Malfunction of the da Vinci robotic system in urology. International journal of urology. 2012 Aug;19(8):736-40. ( I F= 1.747;R/C= 39/73,UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY) (Corresponding author)
(SCI IF 2.334)Li-Hua Huang(通訊作者:李建儀醫師), Mei-Chin Wen, Siu-Wan Hung, Ya-Tze Hsiau, Chen-Li Cheng, Chi-Rei Yang, and Jian-Ri Li. Renal Tuberculosis Presenting as a Complicated Renal Cyst (以囊腫表現的腎臟結核) UROLOGY 80 (6), 2012, e69-70.
(SCI IF 0.678)Shih-Hao Cheng(通訊作者:王賢祥醫師),, Shian-Shiang Wang, Chen-Hui Lee, Yeu-Chuan Ou, Chen-Li Cheng. Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the urinary bladder. (膀胱惡性單一纖維瘤) Journal of the Chinese Medical Association(中華醫學會雜誌), 75 (2012) 479-482.
(SCI IF 0.678)Jian-Ri Li, Cheng-Hsu Chen, Chen-Li Cheng, Chung-Kuang Yang, Yeu-Chuan Ou, Hao-Chung Ho, Chi-Rei Yang, Shian-Shiang Wang, Chuan-Shu Chen, Jiunn-Liang Ko, Kun-Yuan Chiu. Five-year experience of peritoneal dialysis catheter placement (腹膜透析植管5年經驗) Journal of the Chinese Medical Association(中華醫學會雜誌), 75 (2012) 309-313.
(SCI IF 1.477)J.R. Li(通訊作者:賀昊中醫師), C.H. Chen, K.Y. Chiu, C.R. Yang, C.L. Cheng, Y.C. Ou, J.L. Ko, H.C. Ho. Management of pericannular bleeding after peritoneal dialysis catheter placement (腹膜透析植管後管路旁出血之處理)Peritoneal Dialysis International. May 2012-Vol.32, No.3, P361-362.
(SCI IF 0.678)Chien-Chang Li(通訊作者:李建儀醫師), Chen-Hui Lee, Yee-Jee Jan, Kun-Yuan Chiu, Chen-Li Cheng, Chi-Rei Yang, Yeu-Chuan Ou, Hao-Chung Ho, Siu-Wan Hung, Jian-Ri Li. Renal mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma with an aorto-caval mass mimicking metastatic lymphadenopathy(腎臟黏液細胞癌合併主動脈及下腔靜脈腫塊疑似轉移性惡性腫瘤). Journal of the Chinese Medical Association(中華醫學會雜誌), 75 (2012) 240-242.
Wen-Ming Chen, Chen-Li Cheng, Hao-Chung Ho. A novel technique to facilitate cystoscopic en bloc excision of the distal ureter and bladder cuff during laparoscopic nephroureterectomy. Formosan Journal of Surgery(中華外科醫學會雜誌), (2012) 45, 8-11.

