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口腔醫學部Department Of Stomatology
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:::Department of Dentistry > Services&Features


Cited (6)
Updated 2023/11/21 14:39:15
Hits 2995

Service and Characteristic
The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the specialty of Dentistry, which includes the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defect involving hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region (face, mouth, teeth and jaws).

Our services include the administration of local anesthesia and sedation for outpatients and general anesthesia for inpatients. surgical treatment of dental and facial infections, impacted teeth, surgical placement of dental implants and adjunctive implant procedures (bone grafting and sinus lift procedures), surgical correction of maxillofacial skeletal deformities, treatment of facial traumatic injuries, surgical management of temporomandibular join (TMJ) disorders, premalignant lesion of oral mucosa, surgical management of oral and maxillofacial cancer and other pathologic conditions, facial and jaw reconstructive (orthognathic) surgery, microneurosurgery, salivary glands diseases, cysts of the jaws, comprehensive treatment for jaw bone necrosis by radiotherapy and medication, cleft and palate, multidisciplinary management of obstructive sleep apnea,.

3-D technology 

Our team have expertise in utilizing the 3-D technologies to provide you with the best care possible. From identifying a nerve or to help plan & correct a facial deformity, this technology allows our doctors to accurately plan the procedure and provide you a personalized treatment.  

The Department of Family Dentistry is responsible for out patient oral surgery, which includes tooth extraction, impacted teeth extraction, alveoloplasty, biopsy, and minor surgery in oral cavity. 

The Department of Implant Dentistry represents a natural fusion of two highly acclaimed departments, including Department of Periodontology and Prosthodontics. The mission of the Department of Implant Dentistry is to provide optimal, comprehensive implant dental care, specifically with the assistance of 3-dimensional treatment planning software, to achieve greatest patients’ satisfaction.

The Department of Endodontic clinic is equipped with microscopes, and integrated with digital radiography, video cameras, and electric handpieces for Ni-Ti instrumentation. The department emphasizes on difficult periapical treatment and interdisciplinary treatment.

The Department of Periodontics cares for the tissues that surround and support the teeth, including the gingiva, bone of the jaw, and the periodontal ligaments. Thanks for the improvement of bioengineer, the modern regenerative technique which guides periodontal tissue and socket preservation are frequent applied in our daily practice.

The Department of Prosthodontics is skilled and competent in the discipline of integrated oral deformity patient care. Through the fabrication of facial prosthesis, patients with dentofacial deformity will receive proper prostheses, hence to improve the quality of life. In addition to this, the Department of Prosthostontic also offers the comprehensive prosthodontics care with latest technique.

The Department of Pediatric Dentistry provides comprehensive as well as preventive care for infants, children, adolescents, including those with special health needs, with behavior management techniques including use of laugh gas, conscious sedation, and general anesthesia in a hospital setting. A unique aspect of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry is the application of laser to cope with dental caries and early childhood caries.

The Department of Orthodontics deals with skeletal and dental discrepancies by 3DCT and pre-operative model surgery.

In addition to those clinics, the Department of Stomatology also staffs the Urgent Care Clinic, including oral surgery urgent care and general dental urgent care. 

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