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一般外科Division Of General Surgery
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:::Division of General Surgery > Services&Features


Cited (5)
Updated 2024/4/23 16:10:37
Hits 1380

Services and features:

Endocrine system:
Benign or malignant disorder of thyroid and parathyroid glands that require surgical treatment by either conventional or endoscopic (minimally-invasive) method.

Screening and assessment of breast lesion and nipple disorder. Breast surgeries include lumpectomy, breast-conserving surgery and mastectomy. Multidisciplinary approaches and treatment of breast cancer

Gastrointestinal tract:
Benign or malignant disorder of stomach, small intestine and appendix by either conventional or minimally-invasive method.

All types of abdominal wall hernias, including inguinal hernia, incisional hernia and femoral hernia.

Resection for malignant or benign tumors in the liver by either conventional or minimally-invasive method. 
Since 1982, we have performed more than 6,000 liver resections with meticulous surgical technique to minimize blood loss and preserve maximal liver reservoir.

Liver transplantation (living donor or deceased donor). There are approximately 190 liver transplantations, including four ABO incompatible, performed in our institution for end-stage liver disease or hepatoma, the 5-year survival rate reaches 80%. Moreover, our hospital  is the first center for pediatric liver transplantation in Central Taiwan.

Biliary surgery
Benign or malignant disorder of the biliary tract, including the gallbladder and bile ducts by either conventional or minimally-invasive method.

Pancreas surgery
Benign or malignant disorder of the pancreas by either conventional or minimally-invasive method.


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