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引用 (13)
更新日期 2023/7/2 16:18:47
點閱 4229
會議 作者 型式
The  Potential Factors To Influence Lower Limb Alignment After Oxford Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 24th EFORT Congress(European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology)/奧地利維也納(2023) 王舜平 壁報
Salvage surgery for failed lumbar interbody fusion The 40th International Congress of Korean  Society of Spine Surgery/韓國首爾(2023) 石承民 壁報
The Morphological Changes in Adjacent Segments Amongst Patients Receiving Anterior and Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Retrospective Study The 40th International Congress of Korean  Society of Spine Surgery/韓國首爾(2023) 李政鴻 口頭
Bone mineral density and osteoporosis in relation to all-cause and cause specific mortality from TCVGH-OPC database: A population-based cohort study 世界骨鬆大會 WCO IOF-ESCEO(2023) 童冠愷 壁報
Preoperative anemia was associated with all-cause mortality in patients who underwent percuatenous vertebroplasty 世界骨鬆大會 WCO IOF-ESCEO(2023)
吳蘊哲 口頭
Salvage surgery with A/O/LLIF for failed lumbar interbody fusion. 愛丁堡大學/英國(2022) 石承民 口頭
Cartilage damage treatment, cases sharing Internataionl regenerative medicine conference on orthopedics therapeutics 越南胡志明市日航國際酒店(2022) 廖唯任 口頭
BiCRi, current concept and treatment in cartilage defect Internataionl regenerative medicine conference on orthopedics therapeutics 越南胡志明市日航國際酒店(2022) 陳超平 口頭
Feasibility of Super-thin Flap Method Excision and Reconstruction for the Sarcoma Management 美國洛衫磯美國加州大學洛衫磯分校(2022) 林育民 口頭
Session Title: Poster 4 Recycled Bone Reconstruction
Presentation Title: Adjuvant Treatment with Freezing Nitrogen Ethanol Composite: Safer than Liquid Nitrogen but not Safe
第十三屆亞太肌肉骨骼腫瘤學會( Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society )會議/APMSTS日本岡山(2021) 林育民 口頭
Difficult case in tibial plateau fracture 1st Asia Pacific Knee Trauma Study Group(KTSG) meeting/線上會議 (2020) 陳志輝 口頭
Planned Soft Tissue Reconstruction after  Bone and Soft Tissue
Sarcoma Surgery Decreased the Postoperative Complications
第二十屆國際肢體保留學會2019年年會(20th General ISOLS Meeting)/希臘雅典 (2019) 林育民 口頭
Effect of Indirect Decompression After OLIF The 7th ACMISST & 18th KOMISS/韓國首爾(2019) 潘建州 口頭
Is Trident Fixation Technique Feasible for Pediatric Knee
Arthrodesis with Recycled Bone Graft?
15th Annual International
Pediatric Orthopaedic Symposium, 美國弗羅里達州奧蘭多 (2018/11/27~12/01)
林育民 口頭
Mismatch between femur and tibia coronal alignment in the knee joint: classification of five lower limb types according to the mechanical alignment of the femur and tibia (膝关节股骨与胫骨冠状位对线的不匹配情况:基于股骨和胫骨的五种下肢机械对线分类) Arthroplasty Society in Asia 6th annual meeting, 中國上海 (2018/11/08~10) 林育賢 口頭
Intermittent Teriparatide enhanced bone strength of femoral neck via changes of bone morphology and microarchitecture in Ovariectomized Rats EORS 2018, 愛爾蘭高威 (2018/9/25~28) 王舜平 口頭
Zolendronic Acid-Laden PMMA Cement For Treating Giant Cell Tumor Of Bone And Bony Metastases (含唑來膦酸的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)治療骨轉移及骨巨細胞瘤) EFFORT 2018, 西班牙 (2018/5/30~6/01) 林育民 口頭
Chyluria as an early predictor for fat embolism in fracture patients EFFORT(2017) 吳蘊哲 口頭
Clinical And Radiographic Outcomes In Single-level Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion With Polyetheretherketone Or Porous Tantalum Cages Orthopaedic Research Society(ORS) Annual Meeting,美國聖地牙哥(2017) 石承民 壁報
Chyluria as an early predictor for fat embolism in fracture patients ORS,2017 吳蘊哲 壁報
Chemokine Ligand 3 Boosts Angiogenesis by Dysregulation of Mir-374b/VEGF-A Axis in Human Osteosarcoma Cells The 11the Meeting of The Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society, Sigapore.(2016) 林育民 口頭
3DCT improves the stability evaluation and implant choices of trochanteric fractures – a single-center experience 3rd AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress & TK Experts' Symposium(2016) 卓依誠 口頭
Chyluria as an early predictor for fat embolism in fracture patients 3rd AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress & TK Experts' Symposium(2016) 吳蘊哲 口頭
Bone remodeling of cortical bone at femoral diaphysis enhanced by Teriparatide in OVX rat model 第二十四屆歐洲骨科研究學會年會 (EORS)(2016) 王舜平 壁報
The effectiveness of conventional scales for sesamoids displacement in hallux valgus - compared with sesamoid rotational angle (SRA) 第六屆亞洲足踝醫學會年會(AFFAS)(2016) 王舜平 壁報
Posterior migration of fusion cages in degenerative lumbar disease treated with anterior lumbar interbody fusion European Calcified Tissue Society(ECTS) Annual Meeting,義大利羅馬(2016) 石承民 壁報
The Interaction Between CCL5 And CCR5 Induces VEGF-Mediated Angiogenesis In Human The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) Congress Prague, Czech, 2015 林育民 口頭
CCL3 Promotes Tumor Angiogenesis by Dysregulation of mIR-374B/VEGF Axis in Human Osteosarcoma Internation Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) 2015, Orlando, U.S.A. 林育民 口頭
Sesamoid Rotation Angle As An Effective Parameter For Evaluation Of Sesamoid Displacement In Severe Hallux Valgus Orthopaedic Research Society(ORS) Annual Meeting,美國拉斯維加斯(2015) 石承民 壁報
CCL5 Induces Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Mediated Angiogenesis in Human Osteosarcoma Microenvironment The 10th Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society [APMSTS], Melbourne, Australia.(2014) 林育民 口頭
Potent Anti-Osteoporosis of Teriparatide in OVX rats : the role of IL-17 第二十二屆歐洲骨科研究學會年會 (EORS)(2014) 王舜平 口頭
TM cage—Comparison of ALIF and TLIF The 14th Annual Meeting of PASMISS(2014) 潘建州 口頭
The Mechanical Properties of Fixing Greater Trochanter or Lesser Trochanter in Complex Four Part Intertrochanteric Fractures 2nd AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress & TK Experts' Symposium(2014) 陳志輝, 王凱群 口頭(獲獎)
The Mechanical Properties of Fixing Greater Trochanter or Lesser Trochanter in Complex Four Part Intertrochanteric Fractures ORS,2014 陳志輝 壁報
DXA not accurate enough! A new application of Dental Cone-Beam CT to predict the cortical bone strength based on rat model. European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) Annual Meeting,法國南特(2014) 石承民 壁報
Lumbar Facet Joint Subchondral Bone Density Distribution in Asymptomatic and Low Back Pain Subjects AAOS 2013 Annual Meeting 潘建州 口頭
Comminuted proximal humeral fracture 1st AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress & TK Experts' Symposium (2012) 陳志輝 口頭
Graft Fixation Sequence Affects Graft Force Distribution in Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction ORS,2011 陳志輝 壁報
Tibiofemoral Kinematics during the Stance Phase of Gait in the Normal and ACL Deficient Knees ORS,2011 陳志輝 壁報
Anatomic-Like Articular Surface of Tibial Insert Enhance Knee Kinematics-Computational Assessment ORS,2011 陳志輝 壁報
