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感染管制中心Infection Control Center
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:::Infection Control Center > Introduction


Cited (9)
Updated 2023/1/8 9:27:25
Hits 5422

Infection Control Center

Site:Infection Control Center
Position:The fifth floor of rear outpatient building

    The department of infection control of Taichung Veterans General Hospital has offered standard-setting, innovative, and comprehensive infection control policies since 1982.

    One of the core goals of our department is offering excellent service in clinical and training in infection control. Through our diverse faculty interests and partnerships with other medical centers, we avidly promote and mentor our practitioners’ interestsin the field of infection control. We view the training of future practitioners and investigators as our most enduring contribution to medical science.The department of infection control at Taichung Veterans General Hospital is a leader in the research of infectious control in Taiwan and is committed to developing global collaboration in the efforts to implement and develop worldwide. Researchin the infection control focuses on the prevention and contain of infections; and adherence to infection control measures.


Infection Control Policy
Through the leadership of our chief, Zhi-Yuan Shi, MD, we have adopted a wide range of policies to promote infection control related to inpatient and outpatient clinical services, including:
-Surveillance of health-care associated infections
-Surveillance of environment
-Management of health of health-care workers
-Infection Control Intervention (CVC, VAP and CAUTI care bundles)
-Hand hygiene
-Notification of infectious diseases
-Provide education programs to patients, visitors and health-care workers about infection control
-Prevention of needle trauma and body fluid exposure
-Provide training programs for personnel from other institutes.
-International conference to interchange experience with international professionals.

Contact us

Tel : 04-23741308
1650 Taiwan Boulevard Sect. 4, Taichung, Taiwan 40705, ROC



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