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內分泌新陳代謝科Division Of Endocrinology & Metabolism
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:::Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism > Services&Features


Cited (3)
Updated 2023/4/19 9:13:51
Hits 2106
With the joint efforts of all our staffs, we strive to provide solid training for our resident doctors and medical students. We are accredited for subspecialty training of endocrinology and metabolism by the Endocrine Society and Diabetes Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan). We executed researches in various fields related to diabetes and endocrinology, including genetic studies, basic researches, cohort studies, and clinical trials. We publish a number of research articles in internationally renowned journals every year.
Our Diabetes Health Promotion Center was founded in 1997, under commission of the Department of Health (now Ministry of Health and Welfare). By integrating diabetes specialists, nurses, and dieticians, we provide comprehensive and holistic care, and deliver self-management education for diabetes patients. Our center has been accredited as the “International Diabetes Federation Centre of Education” since 2017, and awarded as “Certified International Diabetes Federation Centre of Excellence in Diabetes Care”. To actively engage in activities of International Diabetes Federation, we help translation of short course of Diabetes Prevention Module in Chinese. We also contributed to the development of booklet of disaster program for Western Pacific Region of the International Diabetes Federation. The international diabetes preceptorship has been held annually in our center to improve professional capabilities, to share experiences of diabetes care, and to develop mutual benefits of diabetes care system among Asian countries.

(1) What we treat:
Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, obesity, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal, and various endocrinology disorders  
(2) Clinic schedules: 
Outpatient clinic: Monday to Saturday.
(3) Staffs:
Currently there are 8 attending physicians, 1 nurse practitioner, and 6 diabetes educators.     
(4) Service amounts:
Outpatient clinic: around 5000 visits/month  
Inpatient care: around 25-30 inpatients/month  
Emergency department: around 40-50 visits/month
(5) Examinations:
1. General: diabetes mellitus blood tests, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, and renal/liver function tests
2. Endocrinology assessments: thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and parathyroid functional tests
3. Special exams and devices for diabetes care: Diabetic neuropathy, fundoscopy, ankle-brachial index (for peripheral artery diseases), continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump, continuous glucose monitoring systems.
4. Thyroid ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration
5. Radiofrequency ablation for thyroid nodules
(6) Researches:
We executed researches in various fields related to diabetes and endocrinology, including genetic studies, basic researches, cohort studies, and clinical trials. We are interested and actively engaged in global clinical trials.  

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