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胃腸肝膽科Division Of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
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:::Division Of Gastroenterology and Hepatology > Introduction


Cited (6)
Updated 2018/11/13 17:25:36
Hits 1724

Department of Medicine-Gastrointestinal

Site:Department of Medicine-Gastrointestinal
Position:The second floor of first medical building
TEL:(04)2359-2525 ext. 3301


Service and Characteristic of Gastrointestinal

  1. Gastrointestinal motility examination
    Gastroenterology currently has a fairly complete gastrointestinal motility inspection equipment, including: traditional esophageal manometry, a portable pressure and pH monitor, EGG like. And actively take forward research gastrointestinal function.
  2. Endoscopy
    In addition to the general tradition of gastroduodenal mirror, colonoscopy, endoscopy and rectum outside; college also provides a painless examination (including gastroscopy, enteroscopy painless, painless colonoscopy, etc.) to reduce the patient's discomfort. In addition, endoscopic ultrasound to check the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum mucosa under construction, even checking the surrounding organs, it can detect early cancer mucosal invasion, or even sliced submucosal lesions, the suction etc.
  3. Therapeutic endoscopy
    In addition to the traditional undergraduate inside for general therapeutic endoscopy, including the treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding bleeding esophageal varices EIS and EVL treatment, biliary stones and gallstones EPT excision and the like. There is currently actively developing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy fistula surgery (PEG) shall be used to address the long-term nasogastric tube-feeding problems, esophagus built Ying tube positioned to solve the problem of eating late esophageal cancer, bile duct and pipe placement jaundice caused by malignant tumors in order to resolve.
  4. Use of multimedia teaching computer network
    To enhance the popularity of the gastrointestinal department of teaching materials, have all undergraduate teaching activities and related meetings of input gastroenterology hospital network stations to facilitate see, interns, residents, physicians and other hospitals of reference.
  5. The project is currently under development
    Local treatment of tumors of the liver (including ethanol injection, high-frequency electric burn treatment, etc)

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