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:::Division Of Infectious Diseases > Introduction


Cited (29)
Updated 2023/4/10 10:08:57
Hits 2415

The Department of Infectious Diseases

Site:The Department of Infectious Diseases


The Division of Infectious Diseases has offered standard, innovative, and comprehensive care for our patients since 1982. Through the leadership of our chief, Po-Yu Liu, MD, we offer a wide range of inpatient and outpatient clinical services related to the care of patients with infectious diseases. Our physicians conduct a broad array of both basic and clinical research activities in a variety of areas of clinical infectious diseases, microbiology, molecular epidemiology, and prevention and control of infection.

The Division offers clinical care for all major areas of infectious diseases. Our board-certified specialists offer extensive and compassionate care to diagnose and manage both common and complex diseases including:

  • CNS infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Mycobacterial Disease
  • HIV/AIDS Care
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Compromised Host Infections
  • Immunizations
  • Tropical Medicine

One of the core goals of our division is to offer excellent opportunities in clinical and research training in infectious diseases. Through our diverse faculty interests and partnerships with the Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan), we actively promote and mentor our fellows’ research interests. We view the training of future teachers and investigators as our most enduring contribution to medical science.

The Division is committed to global collaboration in the study and diagnosis of diseases worldwide. Research in the Division focuses on the molecular epidemiology of bacterial and fungal infection; the mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents; HIV treatment outcomes; and studies on infections related to transplantation and other immunodeficiency disorders.

Po-Yu Liu, MD
Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Infectious Disease
Zoonotic Infectious Disease

Molecular Epidemiology Group

Zhi-Yuan Shi, MD
Chief, Prevention and Control of Infection
Clinical Infectious Disease

Yu-Hui Lin, MD 
AIDS Clinical Group
Clinical Infectious Disease

Shih-Pin Lin, MD 
AIDS Clinical Group
Clinical Infectious Disease

Che-An Tsai, MD 
Clinical Infectious Disease

Yung-chun Chen, MD 
AIDS Clinical Group
Clinical Infectious Disease

Chien-Hao Tseng, MD 
AIDS Clinical Group
Clinical Infectious Disease

Chia-We Liu, MD 
AIDS Clinical Group
Clinical Infectious Disease

Wei-Hsuan Huang, MD 
AIDS Clinical Group
Clinical Infectious Disease


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