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護理部Department of Nursing
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:::Department of Nursing > Introduction


Cited (6)
Updated 2023/5/30 9:36:28
Hits 3220

The Department of Nursing, based on the theory of self-care, the nursing process and nursing diagnosis are used to analyze patient condition and offer integrated care. The concepts of clinical nursing pathway and hospice care are promoted to solve physical, mental, and social problems that the patient might encounter. Three important supporting committees, the staff development committee, the quality improvement committee, the performance and welfare committee help to operate the professional daily activities . 

All nursing personnel are trained according to a “Nurse Training and Rotation Program.” Nursing staff with special training are sent to units of a special nature, such as the Intensive Care Unit, the operating room, etc. Nursing information has been computerized to reduce administrative workload and to use manpower in the most efficient way. Besides nursing service, in order to promote the professional ability of nurses, regular seminars and advanced nursing training programs are provided for nurses. In-service education is provided in the following formats: central in-service education, unit in-service education and in-service education outside the hospital.



Following the policies of the hospital, we provide veterans and  general people the best :

1. Health care and promotion.

2. Nursing education and training.

3. Nursing research, development and application.



1. A firm belief in human dignity and the supremacy of public health.

2. Wide application of people-oriented nursing ethics. 

3. Cultivate nursing professionals by solid teaching .

4. Provide excellent nursing services with evidence-based nursing training.



Nurturing for Vigorous Growth 

Every nurse is like a seed that is carefully nurtured in the family of the Nursing Department and grows under the guidance of the golden rules of the Department. The pink color represents the loving care nature of nursing. The sprouting seed with three buds represents a nurse growing matured under the guidance of the golden rules and goals of the Department. The outer circle of the logo represents the big family of the Nursing Department, under its care every nurse moves forward to pursue the set goals.


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