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腦中風中心Ischemic Stroke Center
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:::Stroke Center > Services&Features


Cited (7)
Updated 2022/12/8 10:24:40
Hits 2739
Services and Features

Since November 2019, emergent EVT has been routinely provided to satisfy the need for increasing inter-hospital transferals for acute stroke patients.
In 2020, to strengthen regional cooperation, the Stroke Center established the "Network of Emergent Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Central Taiwan", replacing competition with collaboration and cooperation between stroke centers in central Taiwan. This network provides a more efficient treatment for AIS patients. In December 2020, we are further qualified upon receiving the "Stroke Care Certification" by The Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT).  In March 2021, to overcome the shortage of medical resources in rural areas, we initiated a telestroke program using private 5G enterprise network architecture to provide real-time video assessment. The telestroke program successfully avoids delays in stroke management. We, members of the Stroke Center, are advocates who work diligently to improve the quality of stroke treatment and outcomes in patients with AIS.
1. In August 2021, the on-duty physician of the Stroke Center provided an emergent telestroke consultation for a patient in the emergency room at Puli Veterans Hospital through the private 5G network.
2. The hybrid operating room of Taichung Veterans General Hospital is equipped with a combined CT/C-arm X-ray system which provides safe and feasible endovascular thrombectomy for patients with large artery occlusion.

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