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Oncology Pharmacy

Cited (4)
Updated 2022/3/7 17:34:40
Hits 1220
Oncology Pharmacy
The Dispensing Room for Chemotherapy The Preparation Room for Chemotherapy
  • Location:Emergency Medicine Building B1F
  • TEL:(04)2359-2525 ext. 4635
  • Introduction:The Oncology Pharmacy provides chemotherapeutic drug preparation services for all canter patients in our hospital. In order to pass the 2008 cancer treatment quality certification, with the support from the hospital we first sent staff to the "Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center" for benchmarking. The expansion and reconstruction of the Oncology Pharmacy was completed in early 2008. With related equipment and 3 pharmacists ready, we started to provide high-quality "Ready to use chemotherapy drugs" preparation services in April 2008.In late September 2010, the reconstruction and name change of the chemotherapy pharmacy was completed, and all the original biological safety cabinets that had been used for many years were replaced.
    The hospital first  passed the "Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Quality Certification" in 2008, and the hospital won the outstanding " Grade A Qualified " (valid from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2012). We passed the same certification again in 2012 and 2016, (valid through December 31, 2023)
  • Service and Characteristic:In 2011 the Taiwan Clinical Pharmacy Association introduced the "Closed System Transfer Device (CSTD)" from the United States to improve the safety of chemotherapy drugs. Our Department completed the clinical trial in 2011, and began to use it in 2012. In recent years, many medical institutions such as Puli Christian Hospital, Cheng Ching Hospital, Chiayi Branch of our hospital, Puli Branch of our hospital, and Yuan Rong Hospital have sent staff to our hospital for bench marking. In 2020, the "Diana Hazardous Drug Compound System” was introduced and combined with the "Closed System Transfer Device (CSTD)" to enhance the safety of drugs and convenience of pharmacists in preparing chemotherapy drugs.
    In the same year, Needlefree Closed System Transfer Device (CSTD) for preparation of hazardous drugs was introduced to reduce the burden on the hands of pharmacists when dispensing. In 2021, the electronic process was introduced, which made the deployment process record paperless and could effectively track the flow direction.
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