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Radioiodine Therapy Ward

Cited (2)
Updated 2024/2/19 10:34:33
Hits 400
Radioiodine Therapy Ward

  As the iodine collects mainly in thyroid cells, radioiodine (Radioactive iodine) can be used to introduce radiation to destroy the thyroid gland and any other thyroid cells (including cancer cells) that take up iodine, with little effect on the rest of your body. The term “radioactive” may sound frightening. But taking the advantage of that most other cells are not interested in taking up iodine, it is a safe, generally well-tolerated, and reliable treatment that targets thyroid cells with little exposure to the rest of your body’s cells. For some cases, the radioiodine therapy can be performed for outpatients. For those who need higher doses of radioiodine, stay in a special room in the hospital for a few days is required. Our ward for radioiodine therapy was founded in 2016, which helped greatly for those in needs in mid Taiwan area.

Inside the ward
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