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口腔醫學部Department Of Stomatology
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:::Department of Dentistry > Introduction


Cited (8)
Updated 2023/11/21 14:39:06
Hits 3192

The Department of Stomatology

Site:The Department of Stomatology
Position:New Outpatient Building 8F
TEL:(04)2359-2525 ext. 82803


Founded in 1982, the Department of Stomatology at Taichung Veterans General Hospital serves as the biggest referral center in middle of Taiwan, and continues to lead dental innovation, with a vision of enriching the lives and health of the community through patient care and research.

Our department offers specialty training in the following dental specialty areas: oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, and prosthodontics, as well as in implant dentistry; conducts an extensive continuing education program. 

As a member of medical center and teaching hospital systems, the Department of Stomatology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital has mission of education, patient care and research, which aims to advance human health by providing safe and delicate patient care, higher quality of education to dental students, and innovative research in oral health for mid-Taiwan area, and for the nation and around the world.

In addition to education, our department has the strongest team on dental care: with 132 full-time faculties provides more than 66,000 dental visits annually. We endeavor to improve the health of the populations in Taichung City and around the world. 

With all these efforts, our ultimate vision is to become the dental institution with the greatest impact on the health of society. 


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