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血液腫瘤科Division Of Hematology & Oncology
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:::Division Of Hematology & Oncology > Services&Features


Cited (2)
Updated 2023/4/19 9:59:45
Hits 1501
Service and Characteristic
A. Hematology

Disease treated in Hematology Department:

  1. Anemia: The common disease includes thalathemia and iron deficiency anemia. Through hemoglobin electrophoresis and gene screening, the diagnosis and treatment of thalathemia can be performed completely. Hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia and megaloblastic anemia are also diseases we can diagnose and treat.
  2. Blood coagulation disorders: The common disease includes idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemophilia. We established Hemophilia Center with Pediatric department, and cooperated with orthopaedics, physiatrist and plastic surgeon closely. We also provide coagulation factors and genetic testing.
  3. Hematological malignant diseases: We provide treatments for acute and chronic leukemia, multiple myeloma and all kinds of lymphoma. We enhance accuracy of pathologic diagnosis by immunochemical staining. There are also qualitative and quantitative analysis of serum protein electrophoresis, free light chain measurement, chromosome analysis, flow cytometry analysis, and other new genetic tests, such as PML-RARa, BCR-ABL, FLT3-ITD and NPM1, to make more accurate diagnosis for further treatment.
  4. Bone marrow transplantation: We did first case of bone marrow transplantation in central Taiwan area. We had rich treatment experiences with auto- or allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for refractory or poor prognosis disease. We also established the Bone Marrow Transplant Center in 2011 and have specific bone marrow transplant team.
  5. We also provide outpatient chemotherapy services.

B. Oncology

Disease treated in Oncology department includes various types of solid tumors: breast cancer, colorectal cancer and urinary tract cancer, lung cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, gastrointestinal cancer, pancreatic cancer, gynecological cancer and oral cancer. We have specialized cancer treatment wards and outpatient chemotherapy center. We provide appropriate services under the principle of multidisciplinary cooperation and combined care with radiation oncology, surgery, pathology, nuclear medicine.


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