胃腸肝膽科 Division Of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
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:::胃腸肝膽科 > 部科簡介 > 醫師簡介 > 柯忠旺醫師


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更新日期 2023/6/8 17:11:29
點閱 6589
柯忠旺 醫師
介入性內視鏡、早期癌診斷治療, 發炎性腸道疾病(潰瘍性大腸炎&克隆氏症) 、消化道出血 慢性肝炎及其併發症
內視鏡黏膜下剝離術(ESD) 、內視鏡黏膜切除術(EMR)、小腸鏡、膠囊內視鏡、內視鏡超音波、食道蠕動壓力測試、食道括約肌擴張術
  • 臺中榮民總醫院內科部住院醫師(1993) 、總醫師、胃腸科主治醫師
  • PGY第二示範中心主任、肝膽胃腸科病房主任
  • 臺中市優良醫師(1997)
  • 行政院退輔會臨床教學績優醫師(2003)
  • 臺中榮民總醫院教學績優主治醫師(1999、2008、2013)
  • 臺灣消化系醫學會楊森蠕動醫學優秀論文獎(2000)
  • 世界消化系醫學會青年醫師獎(2002)
  • 臺灣消化系醫學會年度優秀論文獎(2003)
  • Drug Evaluator, Idrugs (The Investigational Drugs Journal, Current Drugs Ltd. UK)(1998)
  • Reviewer, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Blackwell Science Ltd. UK )(2002)
  • Reviewer, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (Medknow Publications, India )(2003)
  • Reviewer, Southern Medical Journal (Southern Medical Association, USA)
  • Reviewer, Journal of Infectious Disease, USA
  •  Reviewer, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, USA)
早期癌診斷治療, 不明原因消化道出血、膠囊內視鏡之臨床應用
  • Preliminary pneumoperitoneum facilitates transgastric access into the peritoneal cavity for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery: a pilot study in a live porcine model. Ko CW, Shin EJ, Buscaglia JM, Clarke JO, Magno P, Giday SA, Chung SS, Cotton PB, Gostout CJ, Hawes RH, Pasricha PJ, etc. Endoscopy. 2007 Oct; 39(10): 849-53
  • Per-oral trangastric abdominal surgery. Ko CW, Kalloo AN. Chin Journal of Digestive Diseases 2006 May;7(2);67-70
  • Inlet patch: an inconspicuous lesion needs more spotlight. Ko CW, Chang CS. South Med J. 2006 Aug;99(8):798.
  • EUS-guided portal vein carbon dioxide angiography: a pilot study in a porcine model. Giday SA, Ko CW, Clarke JO, Shin EJ, Magno P, Jagannath SB, Buscaglia JM, Kantsevoy SV. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007 Oct;66(4):814-9.
  • Comparative study of endoscopic clips: duration of attachment at the site of clip application. Shin EJ, Ko CW, Magno P, Giday SA, Clarke JO, Buscaglia JM, Sedrakyan G, etc. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007 Oct;66(4):757-61.
  • EUS-guided angiography: a novel approach to diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in the vascular system. Magno P, Ko CW, Buscaglia JM, Giday SA, Jagannath SB, Clarke JO, etc. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007 Sep;66(3):587-91
  • Is blood the ideal submucosal cushioning agent? A comparative study in a porcine model. Giday SA, Magno P, Buscaglia JM, Canto MI, Ko CW, Shin EJ, Xia L, etc. Endoscopy. 2006 Dec;38(12):1230-4.
  • Asymptomatic intussusception secondary to a giant appendiceal mucocele treated via a laparoscopic approach. Lu IT, Ko CW, Chang CS, Hou TC.Gastrointest Endosc. 2009 Nov;70(5):1026-7; discussion 1027.
  • Successful treatment of persistent bacteremia after endoscopic injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate for gastric varices bleeding. Liao SC, Ko CW, Yeh HZ, Chang CS, Yang SS, Chen GH. Endoscopy. 2007 Jul 5; Endoscopy. 2007 Feb;39 Suppl 1:E176-7.
  • EUS-guided submucosal implantation of a radiopaque marker: a simple and effective procedure to facilitate subsequent surgical and radiation therapy. Magno P, Giday SA, Gabrielson KL, Shin EJ, Clarke JO, Ko CW, Buscaglia JM, Jagannath SB, Canto MI, Kantsevoy SV. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Jun;67(7):1147-52.
  • EUS-guided portal vein catheterization: a promising novel approach for portal angiography and portal vein pressure measurements. Giday SA, Clarke JO, Buscaglia JM, Shin EJ, Ko CW, Magno P, Kantsevoy SV. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Feb;67(2):338-42.
  • Primary low-grade, B-cell, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma presenting as lymphomatous polyposis. Ko-CW; Poon-SK; Chow-WK; Chen-GH; Tzeng-JE Gastrointest-Endosc. 1998 Dec; 48(6): 631-4 (SCI)
  • Gastric dysrhythmia in uremic patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Ko-CW; Chang-CS; Lien-HC; Wu-MJ; Chen-GH Scand-J-Gastroenterol. 1998 Oct; 33(10): 1047-51 (SCI)
  • Transient impact of hemodialysis on gastric myoelectrical activity of uremic patients. Ko-CW; Chang-CS; Wu-MJ; Chen-GH Dig-Dis-Sci. 1998 Jun; 43(6): 1159-64 (SCI)
  • Endoscopic appearance of amyloidosis with gastrointestinal tract involvement after biopsy Ko-CW; Chow-WK; Chang-CS; Chen-GH; Jan-YJ Gastrointest-Endosc. 1997 Sep; 46(3): 284-6 (SCI)
  • Nasogastric lansoprazole is effective in suppressing gastric acid secretion in critically ill patients. Tsai WL, Poon SK, Yu HK, Chang CS, Yeh HZ, Ko CW, Chen GH. 2000 Jan; 14(1):123-7 Alimentary Phar &Therapeutics (SCI)
  • Liver abscess after transarterial chemoembolization for malignant hepatic tumor. Huang-SF, Ko-CW, Chen-GH Hepatogastroenterology 2002 Sep-Oct;47(35):1328-31 (SCI)
  • Effect of electrical stimulation on acupuncture points in diabetic patients with gastric dysrhythmia: a pilot study. Chang CS, Ko CW, Wu CY, Chen GH. Digestion. 2001;64(3):184-90.(SCI)
  • Mediation of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization induced gastric slow-wave dysrhythmia by endogenous prostaglandin. Chang CS, Yang SS, Yeh HZ, Ko CW, Lien HC, Chen GH. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2002 Jan;17(1):46-51(SCI)
  • Effect of green tea on esophageal transit and gastric emptying in patients with heartburn. Ko CW, Chang CS, Chen GH. Gastroenterological J of Taiwan . 2002 June:19(2):116-123
  • 中華民國內科專科醫師證書 (1996)
  • 消化系專科醫師證書 (1999)
  • 內視鏡專科醫師證書 (1999)
  • 中華民國內科醫學會 (1997)
  • 超音波醫學會 (1997)
  • 消化系醫學會 (1998)
  • 內視鏡醫學會 (1999)
  • 美國消化系醫學會 (2000)
  • 美國內視鏡醫學會
  • 營養醫療專科醫師
  • 台灣靜脈暨腸道營養醫學會(TSPEN)
