:::神經醫學中心 > 衛教專區 > 骨鬆系列


引用 (13)
更新日期 2024/5/3 15:56:58
點閱 2521
  1. Borromeo GL. et al. A review of the clinical implications of bisphosphonates in dentistry. Australian Dental Journal 2011; 56: 2–9.
  2. Baur DA. et al. Osteonecrosis of the jaw in a patient on raloxifene: A case report. Quintessence Int 2015;46:423–428
  3. Khan AA, Sandor GKB, Dore E, et al. Canadian consensus practice guidelines for bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaw.  J Rheumatol 2008;35:1391–1397.
  4. Ruggiero, S. L., Dodson, T. B., Assael, L. A., Landesberg, R., Marx, R. E., & Mehrotra, B. (2009). American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Position Paper on Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws—2009 Update. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 67(5), 2–12.