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更新日期 2020/9/22 17:35:36
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臺中榮民總醫院106年論文發表(Impact Factor≧5以上)
題目 論文類型 期刊名稱
發表科別 第一作者 通訊作者
1 Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving tofacitinib: a real-world study. 簡報型論文 Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases 12.384 過敏免疫風濕科 陳一銘 謝祖怡
2 A Crucial Role of CXCL14 for Promoting Regulatory T Cells Activation in Stroke 原始論著 Theranostics 8.854 神經外科 李旭東 徐偉成(院外)
3 Polycystic kidney disease is significantly associated with dementia risk 原始論著 Neurology 8.166 腎臟科 游棟閔 高嘉鴻(院外)
4 Prehospital Predictors of Initial Shockable Rhythm in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Findings From the Taichung Sudden Unexpected Death Registry (THUNDER). 原始論著 Mayo Clinic Proceedings 5.920 心臟血管內科 林晏年(院外) 張坤正(院外)
5 Interplay of inflammatory gene expression in pericytes following Japanese encephalitis virus infection 原始論著 Brain Behavior and Immunity 5.874 醫學研究部 張正一(院外) 陳春榮
6 Risk of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with rosacea: Results from a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan 原始論著 Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology 5.621 胃腸科
吳俊穎 陳怡如
7 The occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in different risk stratifications of clinically noncirrhotic nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 原始論著 International Journal of Cancer 5.531 胃腸科 李騰裕 吳俊穎
8 Association Between Lithium Use and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 5.408 精神部 鄭晴(院外) 藍祚鴻
9 Effects of Taxol on Regeneration in a Rat Sciatic Nerve Transection Model 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 婦女醫學部 許世典 陳悅生(院外)
10 Active and passive sexual roles that arise in Drosophila malemale courtship are modulated by dopamine levels in PPL2ab neurons 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 精神部老年身心科 陳秀玲(院外) 藍祚鴻
11 Upregulation of circulating microRNA-134 in adult-onset Still’s disease and its use as potential biomarker 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 醫學研究部/過敏免疫風濕科 廖采苓 陳得源
12 Enhancement of CCL2 expression and monocyte migration by CCN1 in osteoblasts through inhibiting miR-518a-5p: implication of rheumatoid arthritis therapy 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 骨科部 陳正佑(院外) 林育民
13 Pathological features and their prognostic impacts on oral cavity cancer patients among different subsites – A single institute’s experience in Taiwan 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 耳鼻喉頭頸部 劉時安 劉時安
14 Dextromethorphan exhibits anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects in a murine model of collagen-induced arthritis and in human rheumatoid arthritis 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 過敏免疫風濕科 陳得源 楊登和(院外)
15 Paper-Based CR P monitoring Devices 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 骨科部 曾崇育 曾繁根(院外)
16 CRP-level-associated polymorphism rs1205 within the CRP gene is associated with 2-hour glucose level: The SAPPHIRe study 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.228 新陳代謝科 許惠恒 熊昭(院外)
17 Cell Penetrating Peptide Derived from Human Eosinophil Cationic Protein Decreases Airway Allergic Inflammation 原始論著 Scientific Reports 5.227 兒童腎臟免疫科 傅令嫻 傅令嫻
18 The clinical significance of plasma clusterin and Aβ in the longitudinal follow-up of patients with Alzheimer's disease 原始論著 Alzheimers Research & Therapy 5.197 神經內科 李威儒 傅中玲(院外)
19 Significant associations of neurological complications of herpes zoster with stroke in rheumatoid arthritis patients 原始論著 Journal of the American Heart Association 5.117 醫學研究部/過敏免疫風濕科 廖采苓 陳得源

臺中榮民總醫院107年論文發表(Impact Factor≧5以上) 
題目 論文類型 期刊名稱
發表科別 第一作者 通訊作者
1 Three months of once-weekly isoniazid plus rifapentine (3HP) in treating latent tuberculosis infection is feasible in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 簡報型論文 Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases 12.811 過敏免疫風濕科 陳一銘 陳得源(院外)
2 Multidisciplinary Taiwan Consensus Recommendations for the Use of DEBDOX-TACE in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment 原始論著 Liver Cancer 7.854 放射線部 張碧倚 陳健弘(院外)
3 Effect of Nucleos(t)ide Analogue Therapy on Risk of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B 原始論著 Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 7.398 胃腸科 李騰裕 吳俊穎(院外)
4 Using the chronic kidney disease guidelines to evaluate the renal safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in hepatitis B patients. 原始論著 Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutic 7.286 胃腸科 蔡炘儒 李騰裕
5 Psoriatic patients with chronic viral hepatitis do not have an increased risk of liver cirrhosis despite long-term methotrexate use: real-world data from a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan 原始論著 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 7.002 過敏免疫風濕科/醫學研究部 譚國棟 陳得源(院外)、林敬恒【並列通訊】
6 Rituximab may cause increased hepatitis C virus viremia in rheumatoid arthritis patients through declining exosomal microRNA-155 原始論著 Arthritis and Rheumatism 6.918 醫學研究部 廖采苓 陳得源(院外)
7 Renal complications and subsequent mortality in acute critically ill patients without preexisting renal disease 原始論著 Canadian Medical Association Journal 6.784 腎臟科 黃士婷 高嘉鴻(院外)
8 Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Attenuates LPS-Induced Neuroinflammation and Memory Impairment by Modulation of TLR4/NF-κB Signaling and CREB/BDNF Expression 原始論著 Cerebral Cortex 6.559 精神部 陳陶陶(院外)、藍祚鴻【並列第一】 楊逢羿(院外)
9 Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 attenuates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced ROS-dependent ICAM-1 expression in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells 原始論著 Redox Biology 6.337 醫學研究部 李江文(院外) 李宜達
10 Rhythm control better prevents stroke and mortality than rate control strategies in patients with atrial fibrillation - A nationwide cohort study 原始論著 International Journal of Gardiology 6.189 心臟內科 翁啟仁(院外) 謝育整
11 Potential role of CBX7 in regulating pluripotency of adult human pluripotent-like olfactory stem cells in stroke model 原始論著 Cell Death & Disease 5.965 神經外科 李旭東 徐偉成(院外)
12 Genetic analysis of surgical margins in oral cavity cancer 原始論著 British Journal of Surgery 5.899 放射腫瘤部/耳鼻喉頭頸部 林進清 劉時安
13 Serum Renalase Levels Are Predicted by Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Associated with Cardiovascular Events and Mortality after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 新陳代謝科 李奕德 李奕德
14 Intensive Periodontal Treatment Reduces Risks of Hospitalization for Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality in the Hemodialysis Population 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 腎臟科 黃士婷 高嘉鴻(院外)
15 Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of the Survival Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of the Survival End-Stage Renal Disease 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 腎臟科 吳明儒 高嘉鴻(院外)
16 Polymorphism in dural arteriovenous fistula: matrix metalloproteinase-2-1306 C/T as a potential risk factor for sinus thrombosis 原始論著 Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 5.287 神經外科 崔源生 羅兆寶(院外)

臺中榮民總醫院108年論文發表(Impact Factor≧5以上) 
題目 論文類型 期刊名稱
發表科別 第一作者 通訊作者
1 Association of Daily Aspirin Therapy with Reduced Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B 原始論著 JAMA Internal Medicine 19.989 胃腸科 李騰裕 吳俊穎(院外)
2 Comparisons of hepatitis C viral replication in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving tocilizumab, abatacept and tofacitinib therapy 簡報型論文 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 12.35 過敏免疫風濕科 陳一銘 陳得源(院外)、陳怡行【並列通訊】
3 The Relationship Between Air Pollution and Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers in Taiwan 原始論著 Journal of Thoracic Oncology 10.34 胸腔內科 曾健華(院外) 張基晟
4 Role of FOXC1 in regulating APSCs self-renewal via STI-1/PrPC signaling 原始論著 Theranostics 8.537 神經外科 李怡慧(院外)、李旭東【並列第一】 徐偉成
5 Exploiting Honokiol-induced ER stress CHOP activation inhibits the growth and metastasis of melanoma by suppressing the MITF and β-catenin pathways 原始論著 Camcer Letters 6.491 皮膚科 邱乾善 許美鈴
6 An effective electrochemical detection of chlorogenic acid in real samples:Flower-like ZnO surface covered on PEDOT:PSS composites modified glassy carbon electrode 原始論著 Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 5.667 婦女醫學部 Karthikeyan Manivannan(院外) 呂建興
7 Sandwich-structured displays encapsulating polystyrene microspheres coated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles for label-free biosensing for electrorheological operation 原始論著 Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 5.667 婦女醫學部 Jian-Wei Guo(院外) 陳建光(院外)、呂建興【並列通訊】
8 Does Resveratrol Play a Role in Decreasing the Inflammation Associated with Contrast Induced Nephropathy in Rat Model? 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 腎臟科 陳一心(院外) 吳明儒
9 NT-ProBNP Predicts Total Mortality, Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalization, Intensive-Care Unit Admission, and Cardiovascular Events in Hemodialysis Patients 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 腎臟科 陳一心(院外) 吳明儒
10 Complex Microbiome in Brain Abscess Revealed by Whole-Genome Culture-Independent and Culture-Based Sequencing 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 感染科 Jyun-Hong Lin(院外) Chia-Lin Wei(院外)、Yao-Ting Huang(院外)、劉伯瑜【並列通訊)
11 Serologic and Histologic Predictors of Long-Term Renal Outcome in Biopsy-Confirmed IgA Nephropathy (Haas Classification): An Observational Study 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 腎臟科 蔡尚峰 陳呈旭
12 The Predictive Value of Hyperuricemia on Renal Outcome after Contrast-Enhanced Computerized Tomography 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 腎臟科 吳明儒 吳明儒
13 Approximate Mortality Risks between Hyperuricemia and Diabetes in the United States 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 新陳代謝科 陳柏勳(院外) 李佳霖
14 Decision Support for the Optimization of Provider Staffing for Hospital Emergency Departments with a Queue-Based Approach 原始論著 Journal of Clinical Medicine 5.583 骨科部 江輔政(院外)、石承民【並列第一】 楊朝棟(院外)
15 Cordycepin Suppresses Endothelial Cell Proliferation, Migration, Angiogenesis, and Tumor Growth by Regulating Focal Adhesion Kinase and p53 原始論著 Cancers 5.326 病理檢驗部 Yi-Ting Lin(院外)、吳雅茹【並列第一) 劉俊揚(院外)
16 An in situ slow-releasing H2S donor depot with long-term therapeutic effects for treating ischemic diseases 原始論著 Materials Science & Engineering C 5.08 心臟外科 謝孟軒(院外)、蔡鴻文【並列第一】 魏晧智、宋信文(院外)【並列通訊】