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:::Department of Anesthesia > Pre-Anesthesia Evaluation Center

Pre-Anesthesia Evaluation Center

Cited (9)
Updated 2021/12/10 14:34:02
Hits 3223


The center provides pre-operative anesthesia evaluation visit service. Through the center, the anesthesiologist can be assessed the risk of anesthesia and discussion method and process with the patient and his or her family before surgery.


When should I come to the Pre-Anesthesia Evaluation Center?
If you have determined that you need surgery, please bring your health insurance card and surgical consent as soon as possible (within 28 days before surgery) and go with the family to the center for evaluation and understand the process of anesthesia. In order to improve the safety of anesthesia and surgery, if abnormal conditions are found, further examination or treatment will be arranged before surgery to avoid delays.

The importance of anesthesia visits before surgery

All medical behaviors have the possibility of complications. It is an important part of preoperative visits to assess the visits through preoperative anesthesia and to let patients and their families know about the occurrence of critical situations.

Service function:

Explain to the patient the need for anesthesia, the form of anesthesia, the risk and possible complications or risks in a simple manner by an anesthesiologist. Discuss with the patient and recommend appropriate anesthesia methods. Recorded in the preoperative anesthesia visit record and anesthesia consent form, and complete anesthesia procedure.

Service Center Status

◎An outpatient preoperative anesthesia assessment service was provided on the first floor of the Second Medical Building since 2004.
◎Anesthesiologists provide face-to-face preoperative anesthesia assessment visit services
◎More than 18 anesthesiologists monitor surgical anesthesia.
◎Way of on call for paperless.
◎Provide multimedia audio and video education videos

Service Telephone

04-23592525 #6571
Monday to Friday from A.M. 8:00 to 12:00 P.M. 13:00 to 18:00

The second floor of the outpatient building, next to the outpatient hall of the outpatient hall"

The importance of 10-20 minutes in advance
After the pre-anesthesia assessment, extended benefits include
  (1) Can complete the necessary inspections as soon as possible
  (2) Reduce waiting time for surgical anesthesia
  (3) Inform patients about the method of anesthesia care early and save time in anesthesia
  (4) Provide important information to surgeons for preoperative preparation
  (5) The patient was hospitalized too late, but the surgery continued smoothly the next day.
  (6) Reduce surgical delay and cancellation rate


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