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高齡醫學中心Center for Geriatrics & Gerontology
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:::Center for Geriatrics & Gerontology > Services&Features


Cited (4)
Updated 2023/5/16 16:29:50
Hits 5410
※Geriatric Integrated Outpatient Service

※Geriatric Medicine Ward:
The Geriatric Medicine Ward is designed with a barrier-free environment and flow design that caters to the needs of the elderly. The ward is equipped with handrails, message boards, reading glasses, communication aids, and a dedicated geriatric rehabilitation room. Emphasis is placed on care quality, and education materials are designed to meet the needs of older persons, with large font sizes and clear content. Fall prevention education is also provided, and a discharge preparation service is available. This includes providing information on handicapped identification certificates and Barthel Index, providing assistive devices, information referral to relevant institutions and long-term care resources, and establishing a mid-term care referral window for elderly with rehabilitation potential.

1. The service targets the following:
(1) Elderly over 80 years old.
(2) Elderly over 65 years old with:
◎ Physical and mental disabilities, especially those who have recently worsened.
◎ One or more geriatric syndromes, such as balance impairment/falls, malnutrition, urinary incontinence, pressure ulcers, dementia, delirium, depression, or multiple medication use.
◎ Multiple diseases.
◎ Patients with complex multiple medication use.
◎ Elderly who excessively and frequently utilize medical resources.
◎ Elderly with multiple physical, functional or combined social and psychological problems requiring multidisciplinary intervention.

2. The service process can be improved through outpatient, emergency, or consultation methods to enhance the integration of elderly care.

※Geriatric Integrated Care:
One of the important concepts of elderly care is integrated care, and our Geriatric Center has established comprehensive evaluation and care teams for elderly patients with cognitive function, colon cancer, and hip fractures since 2016. We hope to provide interdisciplinary geriatric care for elderly inpatients, establishing a new model for geriatric integrated care.

1. The service targets elderly inpatients with the following problems:
(1) Elderly patients with cognitive function impairments
(2) Elderly patients with hip fractures

(3) Elderly patients with colon cancer
the geriatric ward environment
the geriatric ward environment


Rehabilitation area in the geriatric ward
Rehabilitation area in the geriatric ward

Bedside equipment in the geriatric ward
Bedside equipment in the geriatric ward


Outdoor rooftop garden in the geriatric ward
Outdoor rooftop garden in the geriatric ward



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