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職業安全衛生室Occupational Safety & Health
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:::Occupational Safety & Health > Services


Cited (3)
Updated 2022/8/23 13:37:39
Hits 2527
1. To plan and auditing prevention and control of occupational hazards/disaster project and investigation.
2. To plan and supervise the labor safety and health management of each department.
3. To plan and supervise automatic checking system of the safety and health assessment.
4. To plan and supervise education and training programs of occupational safety and health.
5. To plan and supervise arrangement and management of labor health checkup.
6. To plan and supervise control and management of hazardous chemicals.
7. To provide recommendations on management of labor safety and health.
8. To promote the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (CNS 45001).

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