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引用 (16)
更新日期 2024/1/19 15:35:19
點閱 4719
Biobank編號 計畫名稱 論文發表
107A08 自體免疫疾病之基因學研究 ECP Overexpression in T Cells and Exosomes Induces IFN-γ Production and Tissue Inflammation.
107A19 利用次世代定序探討急性骨髓性白血病誘導性化療之抗藥機轉 Integrating resistance functions to predict response to induction chemotherapy in de novo acute myeloid leukemia.
108A01 經新型輔助治療後達完全病理反應之食道癌次世代基因分析 AGR2 expression as a predictive biomarker for therapy response in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
108A02 MACC1 基因多型性對台灣泌尿上皮癌易感性及臨床病理表徵之影響  Impact of RAGE polymorphisms on urothelial cell carcinoma clinicopathologic characteristics and long-term survival
108A05 脆弱性骨折整合性服務計畫:腎臟移植病人研究 Predictors for self-discontinuation of anti-osteoporosis medication: A hospital-based real-world study
Improved outcomes and reduced medical costs through multidisciplinary co-management protocol for geriatric proximal femur fractures: a one-year retrospective study
Low Bone Mineral Density and Calcium Levels as Risks for
Mortality in Patients with Self-Discontinuation of
Anti-Osteoporosis Medication
108A09 探討蛋白結合性尿毒素在泌尿上皮癌的角色 Alteration in serum concentrations of FGF19, FGF21, and FGF23 in patients with urothelial carcinoma.
108A10 利用次世代定序探討急性骨髓性白血病誘導性化療之抗藥機轉 Chemoresponse of de novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia to "7+3" Induction can Be Predicted by c-Myc-facilitated Cytogenetics.
109A01 第三型五聚環蛋白基因變異在泌尿上皮癌之臨床意義 Impact of Matrix Metalloproteinases 11 Gene Variants on Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Development and Clinical Characteristics.
109A09 以瑞復美治療復發性多發性骨髓瘤之成效評估 Lenalidomide with dexamethasone to multiple myeloma patients relapsing from bortezomib-based induction therapies: A prospective, observational study.
109A11 腎臟疾病的精準醫學:台灣人族群腎功能衰竭的遺傳變異 Impacts of Heart Failure and Physical Performance on Long-Term Mortality in Old Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease. 
Trajectory of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Malnourishment Predict Mortality and Kidney Failure in Older Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease.
